Save paper, saves Trees

The ReceiptBook could save millions of trees every year

Save the Trees

Latest figure suggest 10 million trees are used to make a years' worth of receipts in the USA, the ReceiptBook could put a stop to this.

The Rainforest is someones home

More and more trees are cut to make pulp to form paper receipts, effecting local wildlife as their habitats are being destroyed.


According to the Clinton Global Initiative University, approximately 250 Million gallons of oil and 1 billion gallons of water are consumed to make paper receipts.


One of project ReceiptBooks aims is to help minimise the effect paper receipts have on the environment.

How paper receipts affect the environment

An Enormous amount of resources goes into making todays standard paper receipts and what a waste it is too. In the USA alone10 million trees were cut down in 2012, all for solely making receipts. What is even more surprising is that 250 million gallons of oil and 1 billion gallons of water are consumed in cutting down rainforest and virgin forest trees to make pulp (paper). These are insane numbers and becomes even more concerning as the United Nations estimating that by 2030 almost half of the worlds population will live in areas of "high water stress". Meaning before long, water could become scarce and the ability to save 1 billion gallons of water annually with project ReceiptBook could be of tremendous value in the future.

Deforestation plays a massive part in the eco system as it reduces biodiversity as it deprives wildlife of their habitats and could result them being more vulnerable to hunting. Alongside this forests hold and store the largest amount of carbon resulting in deforestation causing 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

These are huge problems and whilst the problem runs deeper than paper used on receipts, eliminating the use of paper receipts by using the ReceiptBook and saving a large amount of trees and resources is a step in the right direction. For more information please refer to our Report.

Click to View our report

Beautifull Illustrations of some of the issues the ReceiptBook is trying to solve. All credit goes to non-governmental organisation World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) which can be visited on