

V_ACTIVLEV Measure active speech level as in ITU-T P.56 [LEV,AF,FSO]=(sp,FS,MODE)


function [lev,af,fso,vad]=v_activlev(sp,fs,mode)


V_ACTIVLEV Measure active speech level as in ITU-T P.56 [LEV,AF,FSO]=(sp,FS,MODE)

Usage: (1) lev=v_activlev(s,fs);           % speech level in units of power
       (2) db=v_activlev(s,fs,'d');        % speech level in dB
       (3) s=v_activlev(s,fs,'n');         % normalize active level to 0 dB
       (4) inc=10000;                      % you can process a long signal in chunks of length inc
           fso=fs;                         % initialize fso to the sample frequency
           for i=1:inc:ns                  % loop for each chunk
               [lev,af,fso]=v_activlev(s(i:min(i+inc-1,length(s))),fso,'dz'); % include the 'z' option
           lev=v_activlev([],fso);         % finally omit the 'z' option to obtain the active level
                                           % all other options, e.g. 'd', are preserved from the very first call

        SP     is the speech signal (with better than 20dB SNR)
        FS     is the sample frequency in Hz (see also FSO below)
        MODE   is a string containing a combination of the following:
               0 - omit high pass filter completely (i.e. include DC)
               3 - high pass filter at 30 Hz instead of 200 Hz (but allows mains hum to pass)
               4 - high pass filter at 40 Hz instead of 200 Hz (but allows mains hum to pass)
               1 - use cheybyshev 1 filter
               2 - use chebyshev 2 filter (default)
               e - use elliptic filter
               h - omit low pass filter at 5.5, 12 or 18 kHz
               w - use wideband filter frequencies: 70 Hz to 12 kHz
               W - use ultra wideband filter frequencies: 30 Hz to 18 kHz
               d - give outputs in dB rather than power
               n - output a normalized speech signal as the first argument
               N - output a normalized filtered speech signal as the first argument
               l - give both active and long-term power levels
               a - include A-weighting filter
               i - include ITU-R-BS.468/ITU-T-J.16 weighting filter
               z - do NOT zero-pad the signal by 0.35 s

    If the "n" option is specified, a speech signal normalized to 0dB will be given as
    the first output followed by the other outputs.
        LEV    gives the speech level in units of power (or dB if mode='d')
               if mode='l' is specified, LEV is a row vector with the "long term
               level" as its second element (this is just the mean power)
        AF     is the activity factor (or duty cycle) in the range 0 to 1
        FSO    is a structure of intermediate information that allows
               you to process a speech signal in chunks (see usage example 4 above).
               Processing a signal in chunks is slower and may not give identical results
               because it will use slightly different thresholds. Note that you must use
               the 'z' option for all calls except the last. When the FS input is a structure, all
               options other than 'z' are taken from the FS structure rather than from the MODE input.
        VAD    is a boolean vector the same length as sp that acts as an approximate voice activity detector


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [lev,af,fso,vad]=v_activlev(sp,fs,mode)
0002 %V_ACTIVLEV Measure active speech level as in ITU-T P.56 [LEV,AF,FSO]=(sp,FS,MODE)
0003 %
0004 %Usage: (1) lev=v_activlev(s,fs);           % speech level in units of power
0005 %       (2) db=v_activlev(s,fs,'d');        % speech level in dB
0006 %       (3) s=v_activlev(s,fs,'n');         % normalize active level to 0 dB
0007 %       (4) inc=10000;                      % you can process a long signal in chunks of length inc
0008 %           fso=fs;                         % initialize fso to the sample frequency
0009 %           for i=1:inc:ns                  % loop for each chunk
0010 %               [lev,af,fso]=v_activlev(s(i:min(i+inc-1,length(s))),fso,'dz'); % include the 'z' option
0011 %           end
0012 %           lev=v_activlev([],fso);         % finally omit the 'z' option to obtain the active level
0013 %                                           % all other options, e.g. 'd', are preserved from the very first call
0014 %
0015 % Inputs:
0016 %        SP     is the speech signal (with better than 20dB SNR)
0017 %        FS     is the sample frequency in Hz (see also FSO below)
0018 %        MODE   is a string containing a combination of the following:
0019 %               0 - omit high pass filter completely (i.e. include DC)
0020 %               3 - high pass filter at 30 Hz instead of 200 Hz (but allows mains hum to pass)
0021 %               4 - high pass filter at 40 Hz instead of 200 Hz (but allows mains hum to pass)
0022 %               1 - use cheybyshev 1 filter
0023 %               2 - use chebyshev 2 filter (default)
0024 %               e - use elliptic filter
0025 %               h - omit low pass filter at 5.5, 12 or 18 kHz
0026 %               w - use wideband filter frequencies: 70 Hz to 12 kHz
0027 %               W - use ultra wideband filter frequencies: 30 Hz to 18 kHz
0028 %               d - give outputs in dB rather than power
0029 %               n - output a normalized speech signal as the first argument
0030 %               N - output a normalized filtered speech signal as the first argument
0031 %               l - give both active and long-term power levels
0032 %               a - include A-weighting filter
0033 %               i - include ITU-R-BS.468/ITU-T-J.16 weighting filter
0034 %               z - do NOT zero-pad the signal by 0.35 s
0035 %
0036 % Outputs:
0037 %    If the "n" option is specified, a speech signal normalized to 0dB will be given as
0038 %    the first output followed by the other outputs.
0039 %        LEV    gives the speech level in units of power (or dB if mode='d')
0040 %               if mode='l' is specified, LEV is a row vector with the "long term
0041 %               level" as its second element (this is just the mean power)
0042 %        AF     is the activity factor (or duty cycle) in the range 0 to 1
0043 %        FSO    is a structure of intermediate information that allows
0044 %               you to process a speech signal in chunks (see usage example 4 above).
0045 %               Processing a signal in chunks is slower and may not give identical results
0046 %               because it will use slightly different thresholds. Note that you must use
0047 %               the 'z' option for all calls except the last. When the FS input is a structure, all
0048 %               options other than 'z' are taken from the FS structure rather than from the MODE input.
0049 %        VAD    is a boolean vector the same length as sp that acts as an approximate voice activity detector
0051 % For completeness we list here the contents of the FSO structure:
0052 %
0053 %   ffs : sample frequency
0054 %   fmd : mode string
0055 %    nh : hangover time in samples
0056 %    ae : smoothing filter coefs
0057 %    abl: HP filter numerator and denominator coefficient
0058 %    bh : LP filter numerator coefficient
0059 %    ah : LP filter denominator coefficients
0060 %    ze : smoothing filter state
0061 %    zl : HP filter state
0062 %    zh : LP filter state
0063 %    zx : hangover max filter state
0064 %  emax : maximum envelope exponent + 1
0065 %   ssq : signal sum of squares
0066 %    ns : number of signal samples
0067 %    ss : sum of speech samples (not actually used here)
0068 %    kc : cumulative occupancy counts
0069 %    aw : weighting filter denominator
0070 %    bw : weighting filter numerator
0071 %    zw : weighting filter state
0072 %
0073 % This routine implements "Method B" from [1],[2] to calculate the active
0074 % speech level which is defined to be the speech energy divided by the
0075 % duration of speech activity. Speech is designated as "active" based on an
0076 % adaptive threshold applied to the smoothed rectified speech signal. A
0077 % bandpass filter is first applied to the input speech whose -0.25 dB points
0078 % are at 200 Hz & 5.5 kHz by default but this can be changed to 70 Hz & 5.5 kHz
0079 % or to 30 Hz & 18 kHz by specifying the 'w' or 'W' options; these
0080 % correspond respectively to Annexes B and C in [2].
0081 %
0082 % References:
0083 % [1]    ITU-T. Objective measurement of active speech level. Recommendation P.56, Mar. 1993.
0084 % [2]    ITU-T. Objective measurement of active speech level. Recommendation P.56, Dec. 2011.
0085 %
0086 % Revision History
0087 %
0088 % 2011-10-16   713 Initial version
0089 % 2012-11-02  2471 Correctd behaviour when there are zero or multiple solutions to A(l)=C(l)+M
0090 % 2012-11-19  2516 Modified comments
0091 % 2014-03-17  4346 Modified comments
0092 % 2014-07-09  4795 Improved plotting when no output arguments are specified
0093 % 2016-01-06  7336 Include wideband options from 2011 standard
0094 % 2017-02-07  9407 Added 'z' option and corrected output for an all-zero input signal
0095 % 2018-03-22 10436 Modified comments
0096 % 2018-09-21 10863 Renamed to start with "v_"
0097 % 2018-11-07 10988 Changed EOL style to native so checkout works on all machines
0098 % 2019-11-19 11190 Fixed error in calculating the activity factor; it now excludes the
0099 %                  zero-padding samples from the calculation. [thanks to Joe Begin]
0100 % 2022-01-18       Using the 'n' option now gives a signal with exactly 0dB active level (thanks
0101 %                  to Alastair Moore and Becky Vos). Fixed anomalous behavior when FS is a
0102 %                  structure and MODE input is omitted.
0103 % 2022-02-21       Fixed error in plot of power histogram that meant that the threshold and active
0104 %                  level lines were in the wrong position
0105 % 2022-02-28       Tidied up the labelling on the power histogram plot
0107 %      Copyright (C) Mike Brookes 2008-2019
0108 %      Version: $Id: v_activlev.m 11190 2019-11-19 12:53:58Z dmb $
0109 %
0110 %   VOICEBOX is a MATLAB toolbox for speech processing.
0111 %   Home page: http://www.ee.ic.ac.uk/hp/staff/dmb/voicebox/voicebox.html
0112 %
0113 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0114 %   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0115 %   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0116 %   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
0117 %   (at your option) any later version.
0118 %
0119 %   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0120 %   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0122 %   GNU General Public License for more details.
0123 %
0124 %   You can obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License from
0125 %   http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html or by writing to
0126 %   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
0127 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0129 persistent nbin thresh c25zp c15zp e5zp
0130 if isempty(nbin)
0131     nbin=20;    % 60 dB range at 3dB per bin
0132     thresh=15.9;    % threshold in dB
0133     % High pass s-domain zeros and poles of filters with passband ripple<0.25dB, stopband<-50dB, w0=1
0134     %    w0=fzero(@ch2,0.5); [c2z,c2p,k]=cheby2(5,50,w0,'high','s');
0135     %    function v=ch2(w); [c2z,c2p,k]=cheby2(5,50,w,'high','s'); v= 20*log10(prod(abs(1i-c2z))/prod(abs(1i-c2p)))+0.25;
0136     c25zp=[0.37843443673309i 0.23388534441447i; -0.20640255179496+0.73942185906851i -0.54036889596392+0.45698784092898i];
0137     c25zp=[[0; -0.66793268833792] c25zp conj(c25zp)];
0138     %       [c1z,c1p,c1k] = cheby1(5,0.25,1,'high','s');
0139     c15zp=[-0.659002835294875+1.195798636925079i -0.123261821596263+0.947463030958881i];
0140     c15zp=[zeros(1,5); -2.288586431066945 c15zp conj(c15zp)];
0141     %      [ez,ep,ek] = ellip(5,0.25,50,1,'high','s')
0142     e5zp=[0.406667680649209i 0.613849362744881i; -0.538736390607201+1.130245082677107i -0.092723126159100+0.958193646330194i];
0143     e5zp=[[0; -1.964538608244084]  e5zp conj(e5zp)];
0144     %    w=linspace(0.2,2,100);
0145     %    figure(1); plot(w,20*log10(abs(freqs(real(poly(c15zp(1,:))),real(poly(c15zp(2,:))),w)))); title('Chebyshev 1');
0146     %    figure(2); plot(w,20*log10(abs(freqs(real(poly(c25zp(1,:))),real(poly(c25zp(2,:))),w)))); title('Chebyshev 2');
0147     %    figure(3); plot(w,20*log10(abs(freqs(real(poly(e5zp(1,:))),real(poly(e5zp(2,:))),w)))); title('Elliptic');
0148 end
0149 if nargin<3
0150     mode=' ';
0151 end
0152 if ~isstruct(fs)                        % no state vector given
0153     fso.ffs=fs;                           % sample frequency
0154     ti=1/fs;
0155     g=exp(-ti/0.03);                    % pole position for envelope filter
0156     fso.ae=[1 -2*g g^2]/(1-g)^2;        % envelope filter coefficients (DC gain = 1)
0157     fso.ze=zeros(2,1);
0158     fso.nh=ceil(0.2/ti)+1;              % hangover time in samples
0159     fso.zx=-Inf;                        % initial value for v_maxfilt()
0160     fso.emax=-Inf;                      % maximum exponent
0161     fso.ns=0;
0162     fso.ssq=0;
0163     fso.ss=0;
0164     fso.sf=1;                           % scale factor when forming energy histogram
0165     fso.sfdb=0;                         % scale factor in dB
0166     fso.kc=zeros(nbin,1);               % cumulative occupancy counts
0167     % s-plane zeros and poles of high pass 5'th order filter -0.25dB at w=1 and -50dB stopband
0168     if any(mode=='1')
0169         szp=c15zp;              % Chebyshev 1
0170     elseif any(mode=='e')
0171         szp=e5zp;               % Elliptic
0172     else
0173         szp=c25zp;              % Chebyshev 2
0174     end
0175     flh=[200 5500];             % default frequency range +- 0.25 dB
0176     if any(mode=='w')
0177         flh=[70 12000];         % super-wideband (Annex B of [2])
0178     elseif any(mode=='W')
0179         flh=[30 18000];         % full band (Annex C of [2])
0180     end
0181     if any(mode=='3')
0182         flh(1)=30;              % force a 30 Hz HPF cutoff
0183     end
0184     if any(mode=='4')
0185         flh(1)=40;              % force a 40 Hz HPF cutoff
0186     end
0187     if any(mode=='r')              % included for backward compatibility
0188         mode=['0h' mode];        % abolish both filters
0189     elseif fs<flh(2)*2.2
0190         mode=['h' mode];           % abolish lowpass filter at low sample rates
0191     end
0192     fso.fmd=mode;                % save mode flags
0193     if all(mode~='0')           % implement the HPF as biquads to avoid rounding errors
0194         zl=2./(1-szp*tan(flh(1)*pi/fs))-1;      % Transform s-domain poles/zeros with bilinear transform
0195         abl=[ones(2,1) -zl(:,1) -2*real(zl(:,2:3))  abs(zl(:,2:3)).^2];     % biquad coefficients
0196         hfg=(abl*[1 -1 0 0 0 0]').*(abl*[1 0 -1 0 1 0]').*(abl*[1 0 0 -1 0 1]');
0197         abl=abl(:,[1 2 1 3 5 1 4 6]);               % reorder into biquads
0198         abl(1,1:2)= abl(1,1:2)*hfg(2)/hfg(1);       % force Nyquist gain to equal 1
0199         fso.abl=abl;
0200         fso.zl=zeros(5,1);                          % space for HPF filter state
0201     end
0202     if all(mode~='h')
0203         zh=2./(szp/tan(flh(2)*pi/fs)-1)+1;     % Transform s-domain poles/zeros with bilinear transform
0204         ah=real(poly(zh(2,:)));
0205         bh=real(poly(zh(1,:)));
0206         fso.bh=bh*sum(ah)/sum(bh);
0207         fso.ah=ah;
0208         fso.zh=zeros(5,1);
0209     end
0210     if any(mode=='a')
0211         [fso.bw,fso.aw]=v_stdspectrum(2,'z',fs);
0212         fso.zw=zeros(max(length(fso.bw),length(fso.aw))-1,1);
0213     elseif any(mode=='i')
0214         [fso.bw,fso.aw]=v_stdspectrum(8,'z',fs);
0215         fso.zw=zeros(max(length(fso.bw),length(fso.aw))-1,1);
0216     end
0217 else
0218     fso=fs;             % use existing structure
0219 end
0220 md=fso.fmd;             % md is used to determine all options except 'z' which uses mode
0221 nsp=length(sp);         % original length of speech
0222 if all(mode~='z')
0223     nz=ceil(0.35*fso.ffs); % number of zeros to append
0224     sp=[sp(:);zeros(nz,1)];
0225 else
0226     nz=0;
0227 end
0228 ns=length(sp);
0229 if ns                       % process this speech chunk
0230     % apply the input filters to the speech
0231     if all(md~='0')         % implement the HPF as biquads to avoid rounding errors
0232         [sq,fso.zl(1)]=filter(fso.abl(1,1:2),fso.abl(2,1:2),sp(:),fso.zl(1));       % highpass filter: real pole/zero
0233         [sq,fso.zl(2:3)]=filter(fso.abl(1,3:5),fso.abl(2,3:5),sq(:),fso.zl(2:3));      % highpass filter: biquad 1
0234         [sq,fso.zl(4:5)]=filter(fso.abl(1,6:8),fso.abl(2,6:8),sq(:),fso.zl(4:5));      % highpass filter: biquad 2
0235     else
0236         sq=sp(:);
0237     end
0238     if all(md~='h')
0239         [sq,fso.zh]=filter(fso.bh,fso.ah,sq(:),fso.zh);     % lowpass filter
0240     end
0241     if any(md=='a') || any(md=='i')
0242         [sq,fso.zw]=filter(fso.bw,fso.aw,sq(:),fso.zw);     % weighting filter
0243     end
0244     fso.ns=fso.ns+ns;                               % count the number of speech samples
0245     fso.ss=fso.ss+sum(sq);                          % sum of speech samples (not used internally but available in fso output)
0246     ssq=sum(sq.*sq);                                % sum of squared new speech samples
0247     if ssq>0 && fso.ssq==0                          % if these are the first non-zero speech samples
0248         fso.sf=ns/ssq;                              % scale factor to normalize the mean power of this chunk to 1
0249         fso.sfdb=10*log10(fso.sf);                  % scale factor in dB
0250     end
0251     fso.ssq=fso.ssq+ssq;                            % sum of all squared speech samples
0252     [s,fso.ze]=filter(1,fso.ae,abs(sq(:)),fso.ze);     % envelope filter
0253     % we use the scale factor fso.sf in the following line to ensure that
0254     % the histogram binning is unchanged when sp is multiplied by a constant
0255     [qf,qe]=log2(fso.sf*s.^2);                      % take efficient log2 function, 2^qe is upper limit of bin
0256     qe(qf==0)=-Inf;                                 % fix zero values
0257     [qe,qk,fso.zx]=v_maxfilt(qe,1,fso.nh,1,fso.zx);    % apply the 0.2 second hangover
0258     oemax=fso.emax;                                 % previous max value of qe+1
0259     fso.emax=max(oemax,max(qe)+1);                  % update the max value of qe+1
0260     if fso.emax==-Inf                               % if all samples so far are zero
0261         fso.kc(1)=fso.kc(1)+ns;
0262     else                                            % we have had some non-zero samples
0263         qe=min(fso.emax-qe,nbin);                   % force in the range 1:nbin. Bin k has 2^(emax-k-1) <= s^2 < 2^(emax-k)
0264         wqe=ones(length(qe),1);
0265         % below: could use kc=cumsum(accumarray(qe,wqe,nbin)) but unsure about backwards compatibility
0266         kc=cumsum(full(sparse(qe,wqe,wqe,nbin,1)));     % cumulative occupancy counts
0267         esh=fso.emax-oemax;                             % amount to shift down previous bin counts
0268         if esh<nbin-1                                   % if any of the previous bins are worth keeping
0269             kc(esh+1:nbin-1)=kc(esh+1:nbin-1)+fso.kc(1:nbin-esh-1);
0270             kc(nbin)=kc(nbin)+sum(fso.kc(nbin-esh:nbin));
0271         else
0272             kc(nbin)=kc(nbin)+sum(fso.kc);              % otherwise just add all old counts into the last (lowest) bin
0273         end
0274         fso.kc=kc;
0275     end
0276 end
0277 if fso.ns>nz                       % now calculate the output values
0278     if fso.ssq>0
0279         aj=10*log10(fso.ssq*(fso.kc).^(-1)); % aj(jj) = active level if all power is in first jj bins
0280         % following line is equivalent to cj=20*log10(sqrt(2).^(fso.emax-(1:nbin)-1));
0281         cj=10*log10(2)*(fso.emax-(1:nbin)-1)-fso.sfdb;      % lower limit of bin j in dB correcting for scale factor
0282         mj=aj'-cj-thresh;
0283         jj=find(mj(1:end-1)<0 &  mj(2:end)>=0,1);           % find +ve transition through threshold
0284         if isempty(jj)                                      % if we never cross the threshold
0285             if mj(end)<=0                                   % if we end up below if
0286                 jj=length(mj)-1;            % take the threshold to be the bottom of the last (lowest) bin
0287                 jf=1;
0288             else                            % if we are always above it
0289                 jj=1;                       % take the threshold to be the bottom of the first (highest) bin
0290                 jf=0;
0291             end
0292         else
0293             jf=1/(1-mj(jj+1)/mj(jj));       % fractional part of j using linear interpolation
0294         end
0295         lev=aj(jj)+jf*(aj(jj+1)-aj(jj));    % active level in decibels
0296         lp=10.^(lev/10);                    % active level in power
0297         if any(md=='d')                     % 'd' option -> output in dB
0298             lev=[lev 10*log10(fso.ssq/fso.ns)];
0299         else                                % ~'d' option -> output in power
0300             lev=[lp fso.ssq/fso.ns];
0301         end
0302         af=fso.ssq/((fso.ns-nz)*lp);
0303     else                        % if all samples are equal to zero
0304         af=0;
0305         if any(md=='d')         % 'd' option -> output in dB
0306             lev=[-Inf -Inf];    % active level is 0 dB
0307         else                    % ~'d' option -> output in power
0308             lev=[0 0];          % active level is 0 power
0309         end
0310     end
0311     if all(md~='l')
0312         lev=lev(1);             % only output the first element of lev unless 'l' option
0313     end
0314 end
0315 if nargout>3
0316     vad=v_maxfilt(s(1:nsp),1,fso.nh,1);
0317     vad=vad>(sqrt(lp)/10^(thresh/20));
0318 end
0319 if ~nargout
0320     vad=v_maxfilt(s,1,fso.nh,1);
0321     vad=vad>(sqrt(lp)/10^(thresh/20));
0322     levdb=10*log10(lp);
0323     clf;
0324     subplot(2,2,[1 2]);
0325     tax=(1:ns)/fso.ffs;
0326     plot(tax,sp,'-y',tax,s,'-r',tax,(vad>0)*sqrt(lp),'-b');
0327     xlabel('Time (s)');
0328     title(sprintf('Active Level = %.1f dB, Activity = %.0f%% (ITU-T P.56)',levdb,100*af));
0329     v_axisenlarge([-1 -1 -1.4 -1.05]);
0330     if nz>0
0331         hold on
0332         ylim=get(gca,'ylim');
0333         plot(tax(end-nz)*[1 1],ylim,':k');
0334         hold off
0335         legend('Signal','Smoothed envelope','VAD * Active-Level','Zero-padding','Location','SouthEast');
0336     else
0337         legend('Signal','Smoothed envelope','VAD * Active-Level','Location','SouthEast');
0338     end
0339     ylabel('Amplitude');
0340     % lower right plot: diagram of threshold and active level calculation
0341     subplot(2,2,4);
0342     plot(cj,repmat(levdb,nbin,1),'k:',cj,aj(:),'-b',cj,cj,'-r',levdb-thresh*ones(1,2),[levdb-thresh levdb],'-r');
0343     xlabel('Threshold (dB)');
0344     ylabel('Active Level (dB)');
0345     legend('Active Level (AL)','Speech>Thresh','Threshold','Location','NorthWest');
0346     v_texthvc(levdb-thresh,levdb-0.5*thresh,sprintf('%.1f dB ',thresh),'rmr');
0347     v_axisenlarge([-1 -1.05]);
0348     ylim=get(gca,'ylim');
0349     set(gca,'ylim',[levdb-1.2*thresh max(ylim(2),levdb+1.9*thresh)]);
0350     kch=filter([1 -1],1,kc);
0351     % lower left plot: power histogram
0352     subplot(2,2,3);
0353     bar(5*log10(2)+cj(end:-1:1),kch(end:-1:1)*100/kc(end));
0354     set(gca,'xlim',[cj(end) cj(1)+10*log10(2)]);
0355     ylim=get(gca,'ylim');
0356     hold on
0357     plot(levdb([1 1]),ylim,'k:',levdb([1 1])-thresh,ylim,'r:');
0358     hold off
0359     v_texthvc(levdb(1),ylim(2),'AL','rtk');
0360     v_texthvc(levdb(1)-thresh,ylim(2),sprintf('Threshold'),'rtr');
0361     xlabel('Frame power (dB)')
0362     ylabel('% frames');
0363 elseif any(md=='n') || any(md=='N')             % output normalized speech waveform
0364     fsx=fso;                                    % shift along other outputs
0365     fso=af;
0366     af=lev;
0367     if any(md=='n')
0368         sq=sp;                                  % 'n' -> use unfiltered speech
0369     end
0370     if fsx.ns>0 && fsx.ssq>0                    % if there has been any non-zero speech
0371         lev=sq(1:nsp)/sqrt(lp);
0372     else
0373         lev=sq(1:nsp);
0374     end
0375 end

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