

V_ENFRAME split signal up into (overlapping) frames: one per row. [F,T]=(X,WIN,HOP)


function [f,t,w]=v_enframe(x,win,hop,m,fs)


V_ENFRAME split signal up into (overlapping) frames: one per row. [F,T]=(X,WIN,HOP)

 Usage:  (1) f=v_enframe(x,n)                          % split into frames of length n
         (2) f=v_enframe(x,hamming(n,'periodic'),n/4)  % use a 75% overlapped Hamming window of length n
         (3) calculate spectrogram in units of power per Hz

               W=hamming(NW);                      % analysis window (NW = fft length)
               P=v_enframe(S,W,HOP,'sdp',FS);        % computer first half of PSD (HOP = frame increment in samples)

         (3) frequency domain frame-based processing:

               S=...;                              % input signal
               OV=2;                               % overlap factor of 2 (4 is also often used)
               NW=160;                             % DFT window length
               W=sqrt(hamming(NW,'periodic'));     % omit sqrt if OV=4
               [F,T,WS]=v_enframe(S,W,1/OV,'fa');    % do STFT: one row per time frame, +ve frequencies only
               ... process frames ...
               X=v_overlapadd(v_irfft(F,NW,2),WS,HOP); % reconstitute the time waveform with scaled window (omit "X=" to plot waveform)

  Inputs:   x    input signal
          win    window or window length in samples
          hop    frame increment or hop in samples or fraction of window [window length]
            m    mode input:
                  'z'  zero pad to fill up final frame
                  'r'  reflect last few samples for final frame
                  'A'  calculate the t output as the centre of mass
                  'E'  calculate the t output as the centre of energy
                  'f'  perform a 1-sided dft on each frame (like v_rfft)
                  'F'  perform a 2-sided dft on each frame using fft
                  'p'  calculate the 1-sided power/energy spectrum of each frame
                  'P'  calculate the 2-sided power/energy spectrum of each frame
                  'a'  scale window to give unity gain with overlap-add
                  's'  scale window so that power is preserved: sum(mean(v_enframe(x,win,hop,'sp'),1))=mean(x.^2)
                  'S'  scale window so that total energy is preserved: sum(sum(v_enframe(x,win,hop,'Sp'),2),1)=sum(x.^2)
                  'd'  make options 's' and 'S' give power/energy per Hz: sum(mean(v_enframe(x,win,hop,'spd',fs),1))*fs/length(win)=mean(x.^2)
           fs    sample frequency (only needed for 'd' option) [1]

 Outputs:   f    enframed data - one frame per row
            t    fractional time in samples at the centre of each frame
                 with the first sample being 1.
            w    window function used including scaling

 By default, the number of frames will be rounded down to the nearest
 integer and the last few samples of x() will be ignored unless its length
 is lw more than a multiple of hop. If the 'z' or 'r' options are given,
 the number of frame will instead be rounded up and no samples will be ignored.

 The scaling options available in the 'm' input imply the follwoing approximate
 constraints which are only exact if the window is rectangular with no overlap
 and the input length is an exact number of frames.
 In the expressions below, ff=sum(f,2), lw=frame length, win is the unscaled window
       'P','P'         mean(ff)            = mean(x.^2) * lw*sum(win.^2)
       'ps','Ps'       mean(ff)            = mean(x.^2)
       'pS','PS'       sum(ff)             = sum(x.^2)
       'psd','Psd'     mean(ff) * fs/lw    = mean(x.^2)
       'pSd','PSd'     sum(ff) * fs/lw     = sum(x.^2) / fs


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [f,t,w]=v_enframe(x,win,hop,m,fs)
0002 %V_ENFRAME split signal up into (overlapping) frames: one per row. [F,T]=(X,WIN,HOP)
0003 %
0004 % Usage:  (1) f=v_enframe(x,n)                          % split into frames of length n
0005 %         (2) f=v_enframe(x,hamming(n,'periodic'),n/4)  % use a 75% overlapped Hamming window of length n
0006 %         (3) calculate spectrogram in units of power per Hz
0007 %
0008 %               W=hamming(NW);                      % analysis window (NW = fft length)
0009 %               P=v_enframe(S,W,HOP,'sdp',FS);        % computer first half of PSD (HOP = frame increment in samples)
0010 %
0011 %         (3) frequency domain frame-based processing:
0012 %
0013 %               S=...;                              % input signal
0014 %               OV=2;                               % overlap factor of 2 (4 is also often used)
0015 %               NW=160;                             % DFT window length
0016 %               W=sqrt(hamming(NW,'periodic'));     % omit sqrt if OV=4
0017 %               [F,T,WS]=v_enframe(S,W,1/OV,'fa');    % do STFT: one row per time frame, +ve frequencies only
0018 %               ... process frames ...
0019 %               X=v_overlapadd(v_irfft(F,NW,2),WS,HOP); % reconstitute the time waveform with scaled window (omit "X=" to plot waveform)
0020 %
0021 %  Inputs:   x    input signal
0022 %          win    window or window length in samples
0023 %          hop    frame increment or hop in samples or fraction of window [window length]
0024 %            m    mode input:
0025 %                  'z'  zero pad to fill up final frame
0026 %                  'r'  reflect last few samples for final frame
0027 %                  'A'  calculate the t output as the centre of mass
0028 %                  'E'  calculate the t output as the centre of energy
0029 %                  'f'  perform a 1-sided dft on each frame (like v_rfft)
0030 %                  'F'  perform a 2-sided dft on each frame using fft
0031 %                  'p'  calculate the 1-sided power/energy spectrum of each frame
0032 %                  'P'  calculate the 2-sided power/energy spectrum of each frame
0033 %                  'a'  scale window to give unity gain with overlap-add
0034 %                  's'  scale window so that power is preserved: sum(mean(v_enframe(x,win,hop,'sp'),1))=mean(x.^2)
0035 %                  'S'  scale window so that total energy is preserved: sum(sum(v_enframe(x,win,hop,'Sp'),2),1)=sum(x.^2)
0036 %                  'd'  make options 's' and 'S' give power/energy per Hz: sum(mean(v_enframe(x,win,hop,'spd',fs),1))*fs/length(win)=mean(x.^2)
0037 %           fs    sample frequency (only needed for 'd' option) [1]
0038 %
0039 % Outputs:   f    enframed data - one frame per row
0040 %            t    fractional time in samples at the centre of each frame
0041 %                 with the first sample being 1.
0042 %            w    window function used including scaling
0043 %
0044 % By default, the number of frames will be rounded down to the nearest
0045 % integer and the last few samples of x() will be ignored unless its length
0046 % is lw more than a multiple of hop. If the 'z' or 'r' options are given,
0047 % the number of frame will instead be rounded up and no samples will be ignored.
0048 %
0049 % The scaling options available in the 'm' input imply the follwoing approximate
0050 % constraints which are only exact if the window is rectangular with no overlap
0051 % and the input length is an exact number of frames.
0052 % In the expressions below, ff=sum(f,2), lw=frame length, win is the unscaled window
0053 %       'P','P'         mean(ff)            = mean(x.^2) * lw*sum(win.^2)
0054 %       'ps','Ps'       mean(ff)            = mean(x.^2)
0055 %       'pS','PS'       sum(ff)             = sum(x.^2)
0056 %       'psd','Psd'     mean(ff) * fs/lw    = mean(x.^2)
0057 %       'pSd','PSd'     sum(ff) * fs/lw     = sum(x.^2) / fs
0059 % Bugs/Suggestions:
0060 %  (1) Possible additional mode options:
0061 %        'u'  modify window for first and last few frames to ensure WOLA
0062 %        'a'  normalize window to give a mean of unity after overlaps
0063 %        'e'  normalize window to give an energy of unity after overlaps
0064 %        'wm' use Hamming window
0065 %        'wn' use Hanning window
0066 %        'x'  hoplude all frames that hoplude any of the x samples
0068 %       Copyright (C) Mike Brookes 1997-2014
0069 %      Version: $Id: v_enframe.m 10865 2018-09-21 17:22:45Z dmb $
0070 %
0071 %   VOICEBOX is a MATLAB toolbox for speech processing.
0072 %   Home page: http://www.ee.ic.ac.uk/hp/staff/dmb/voicebox/voicebox.html
0073 %
0074 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0075 %   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0076 %   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0077 %   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
0078 %   (at your option) any later version.
0079 %
0080 %   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0081 %   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0083 %   GNU General Public License for more details.
0084 %
0085 %   You can obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License from
0086 %   http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html or by writing to
0087 %   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
0088 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0090 nx=length(x(:));
0091 if nargin<2 || isempty(win)
0092     win=nx;
0093 end
0094 if nargin<4 || isempty(m)
0095     m='';
0096 end
0097 nwin=length(win);
0098 if nwin == 1
0099     lw = win;
0100     w = ones(1,lw);
0101 else
0102     lw = nwin;
0103     w = win(:).'; % force w to be a row vector
0104 end
0105 if (nargin < 3) || isempty(hop)
0106     hop = lw;                   % if no hop given, make non-overlapping
0107 elseif hop<1
0108     hop=round(lw*hop);          % if hop<1 then it is a fraction of lw
0109 end
0110 wsc=1;                          % window scale factor
0111 if any(m=='a')
0112     wsc=sqrt(hop/(w*w'));       % scale to give unity gain for overlap-add
0113 elseif any(m=='d')
0114     if nargin<5 || isempty(fs)
0115         fs=1;                   % default is fs=1
0116     end
0117     if any(m=='s')
0118         wsc=sqrt(1/(w*w'*fs));
0119     elseif any(m=='S')
0120         wsc=sqrt(hop/(w*w'))/fs;
0121     end
0122 else
0123     if any(m=='s')
0124         wsc=sqrt(1/(w*w'*lw));
0125     elseif any(m=='S')
0126         wsc=sqrt(hop/(w*w'*lw));
0127     end
0128 end
0129 nli=nx-lw+hop;
0130 nf = max(fix(nli/hop),0);   % number of full frames
0131 na=nli-hop*nf+(nf==0)*(lw-hop);       % number of samples left over
0132 fx=nargin>3 && (any(m=='z') || any(m=='r')) && na>0; % need an extra row
0133 f=zeros(nf+fx,lw);
0134 indf= hop*(0:(nf-1)).';
0135 inds = (1:lw);
0136 if fx
0137     f(1:nf,:) = x(indf(:,ones(1,lw))+inds(ones(nf,1),:));
0138     if any(m=='r')
0139         ix=1+mod(nf*hop:nf*hop+lw-1,2*nx);
0140         f(nf+1,:)=x(ix+(ix>nx).*(2*nx+1-2*ix));
0141     else
0142         f(nf+1,1:nx-nf*hop)=x(1+nf*hop:nx);
0143     end
0144     nf=size(f,1);
0145 else
0146     f(:) = x(indf(:,ones(1,lw))+inds(ones(nf,1),:));
0147 end
0148 w=wsc*w;                           % scale the window
0149 if (nwin > 1)                       % if we have a non-unity window
0150     f = f .* repmat(w,nf,1);        % ... multiply by the scaled window
0151 else                                % else if the unscaled window is unit-rectangular
0152     f = wsc*f;                      % ... just multiply by the scale factor
0153 end
0154 if any(lower(m)=='p')               % 'pP' = calculate the power spectrum
0155     f=fft(f,[],2);                  % complex spectrum
0156     f=real(f.*conj(f));             % power spectrum
0157     if any(m=='p')                  % if need a 1-sided spectrum
0158         imx=fix((lw+1)/2);          % highest replicated frequency
0159         f(:,2:imx)=f(:,2:imx)+f(:,lw:-1:lw-imx+2); % double all except DC and Nyquist
0160         f=f(:,1:fix(lw/2)+1);       % keep only the positive frequencies
0161     end
0162 elseif any(lower(m)=='f')           % 'fF' = take the DFT
0163     f=fft(f,[],2);
0164     if any(m=='f')
0165         f=f(:,1:fix(lw/2)+1);
0166     end
0167 end
0168 if nargout>1
0169     if any(m=='E')
0170         t0=sum((1:lw).*w.^2)/sum(w.^2);
0171     elseif any(m=='A')
0172         t0=sum((1:lw).*w)/sum(w);
0173     else
0174         t0=(1+lw)/2;
0175     end
0176     t=t0+hop*(0:(nf-1)).';
0177 end

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