

V_OVERLAPADD join overlapping frames together X=(F,WIN,INC)


function [x,zo]=v_overlapadd(f,win,inc)


V_OVERLAPADD join overlapping frames together X=(F,WIN,INC)

 Usage for frequency-domain processing:
       S=...;                              % input signal
       OV=2;                               % overlap factor of 2 (4 is also often used)
       INC=20;                             % set frame increment in samples
       NW=INC*OV;                          % DFT window length
       W=sqrt(hamming(NW,'periodic'));     % omit sqrt if OV=4
       W=W/sqrt(sum(W(1:INC:NW).^2));      % normalize window
       F=v_rfft(v_enframe(S,W,INC),NW,2);      % do STFT: one row per time frame, +ve frequencies only
       ... process frames ...
       X=v_overlapadd(v_irfft(F,NW,2),W,INC);  % reconstitute the time waveform (omit "X=" to plot waveform)

 Inputs:  F(NR,NW) contains the frames to be added together, one
                   frame per row.
          WIN(NW)  contains a window function to multiply each frame.
                   WIN may be omitted to use a default rectangular window
                   If processing the input in chunks, WIN should be replaced by
                   ZI on the second and subsequent calls where ZI is the saved
                   output state from the previous call.
          INC      gives the time increment (in samples) between
                   succesive frames [default = NW].

 Outputs: X(N,1) is the output signal. The number of output samples is N=NW+(NR-1)*INC.   
          ZO     Contains the saved state to allow a long signal
                 to be processed in chunks. In this case X will contain only N=NR*INC
                 output samples.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [x,zo]=v_overlapadd(f,win,inc)
0002 %V_OVERLAPADD join overlapping frames together X=(F,WIN,INC)
0003 %
0004 % Usage for frequency-domain processing:
0005 %       S=...;                              % input signal
0006 %       OV=2;                               % overlap factor of 2 (4 is also often used)
0007 %       INC=20;                             % set frame increment in samples
0008 %       NW=INC*OV;                          % DFT window length
0009 %       W=sqrt(hamming(NW,'periodic'));     % omit sqrt if OV=4
0010 %       W=W/sqrt(sum(W(1:INC:NW).^2));      % normalize window
0011 %       F=v_rfft(v_enframe(S,W,INC),NW,2);      % do STFT: one row per time frame, +ve frequencies only
0012 %       ... process frames ...
0013 %       X=v_overlapadd(v_irfft(F,NW,2),W,INC);  % reconstitute the time waveform (omit "X=" to plot waveform)
0014 %
0015 % Inputs:  F(NR,NW) contains the frames to be added together, one
0016 %                   frame per row.
0017 %          WIN(NW)  contains a window function to multiply each frame.
0018 %                   WIN may be omitted to use a default rectangular window
0019 %                   If processing the input in chunks, WIN should be replaced by
0020 %                   ZI on the second and subsequent calls where ZI is the saved
0021 %                   output state from the previous call.
0022 %          INC      gives the time increment (in samples) between
0023 %                   succesive frames [default = NW].
0024 %
0025 % Outputs: X(N,1) is the output signal. The number of output samples is N=NW+(NR-1)*INC.
0026 %          ZO     Contains the saved state to allow a long signal
0027 %                 to be processed in chunks. In this case X will contain only N=NR*INC
0028 %                 output samples.
0029 %
0031 %       Copyright (C) Mike Brookes 2009
0032 %      Version: $Id: v_overlapadd.m 10865 2018-09-21 17:22:45Z dmb $
0033 %
0034 %   VOICEBOX is a MATLAB toolbox for speech processing.
0035 %   Home page: http://www.ee.ic.ac.uk/hp/staff/dmb/voicebox/voicebox.html
0036 %
0037 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0038 %   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0039 %   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0040 %   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
0041 %   (at your option) any later version.
0042 %
0043 %   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0044 %   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0046 %   GNU General Public License for more details.
0047 %
0048 %   You can obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License from
0049 %   http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html or by writing to
0050 %   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
0051 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0052 [nr,nf]=size(f);            % number of frames and frame length
0053 if nargin<2
0054     win=nf;                 % default increment
0055 end
0056 if isstruct(win)
0057     w=win.w;
0058     if ~numel(w) && length(w)~=nf
0059         error('window length does not match frames size');
0060     end
0061     inc=win.inc;
0062     xx=win.xx;
0063 else
0064     if nargin<3
0065         inc=nf;
0066     end
0067     if numel(win)==1 && win==fix(win) && nargin<3       % win has been omitted
0068         inc=win;
0069         w=[];
0070     else
0071         w=win(:).';
0072         if length(w)~=nf
0073             error('window length does not match frames size');
0074         end
0075         if all(w==1)
0076             w=[];
0077         end
0078     end
0079     xx=[];      % partial output from previous call is null
0080 end
0081 nb=ceil(nf/inc);        % number of overlap buffers
0082 no=nf+(nr-1)*inc;       % buffer length
0083 z=zeros(no,nb);                      % space for overlapped output speech
0084 if numel(w)
0085     z(repmat(1:nf,nr,1)+repmat((0:nr-1)'*inc+rem((0:nr-1)',nb)*no,1,nf))=f.*repmat(w,nr,1);
0086 else
0087     z(repmat(1:nf,nr,1)+repmat((0:nr-1)'*inc+rem((0:nr-1)',nb)*no,1,nf))=f;
0088 end
0089 x=sum(z,2);
0090 if ~isempty(xx)
0091     x(1:length(xx))=x(1:length(xx))+xx;     % add on leftovers from previous call
0092 end
0093 if nargout>1            % check if we want to preserve the state
0094     mo=inc*nr;          % completed output samples
0095     if no<mo
0096         x(mo,1)=0;
0097         zo.xx=[];
0098     else
0099         zo.xx=x(mo+1:end);
0100         zo.w=w;
0101         zo.inc=inc;
0102         x=x(1:mo);
0103     end
0104 elseif ~nargout
0105     if isempty(xx)
0106         k1=nf-inc;  % dubious samples at start
0107     else
0108         k1=0;
0109     end
0110     k2=nf-inc;      % dubious samples at end
0111     plot(1+(0:nr-1)*inc,x(1+(0:nr-1)*inc),'>r',nf+(0:nr-1)*inc,x(nf+(0:nr-1)*inc),'<r', ...
0112         1:k1+1,x(1:k1+1),':b',k1+1:no-k2,x(k1+1:end-k2),'-b',no-k2:no,x(no-k2:no),':b');
0113     xlabel('Sample Number');
0114     title(sprintf('%d frames of %d samples with %.0f%% overlap = %d samples',nr,nf,100*(1-inc/nf),no));
0115 end

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