

V_RANDVEC Generate real or complex GMM/lognormal random vectors X=(N,M,C,W,MODE)


function [x,kx]=v_randvec(n,m,c,w,mode)


V_RANDVEC  Generate real or complex GMM/lognormal random vectors X=(N,M,C,W,MODE)
 generates a random matrix of size (|n|,p) where p is the maximum
 dimension of M or C (see note below about row versus column vectors)
  Inputs:  N        is the number of points to generate
           M(K,P)   is the mean vectors (one row per mixture)
           C(K,P)   are diagonal covariances (one row per mixture)
        or C(P,P,K) are full covariance matrices (one per mixture)
           W(K)     are the mixture weights (or omit if all mixtures have equal weight)
           MODE     character string specifying options:
                       g = real gaussian [default]
                       c = complex gaussian
                       l = lognormal

 Outputs:  X(N,P)  is the output data
           KX(N,1) Mixture number associated with each row of X

 Note this routine generates row vectors such that E((x-m)'*(x-m)) = C = cov(x). If
 Alternatively x=(n,m',c,w,mode)' will generate column vectors satisfying E((x-m)*(x-m)') = C = cov(x').


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [x,kx]=v_randvec(n,m,c,w,mode)
0002 %V_RANDVEC  Generate real or complex GMM/lognormal random vectors X=(N,M,C,W,MODE)
0003 % generates a random matrix of size (|n|,p) where p is the maximum
0004 % dimension of M or C (see note below about row versus column vectors)
0005 %  Inputs:  N        is the number of points to generate
0006 %           M(K,P)   is the mean vectors (one row per mixture)
0007 %           C(K,P)   are diagonal covariances (one row per mixture)
0008 %        or C(P,P,K) are full covariance matrices (one per mixture)
0009 %           W(K)     are the mixture weights (or omit if all mixtures have equal weight)
0010 %           MODE     character string specifying options:
0011 %                       g = real gaussian [default]
0012 %                       c = complex gaussian
0013 %                       l = lognormal
0014 %
0015 % Outputs:  X(N,P)  is the output data
0016 %           KX(N,1) Mixture number associated with each row of X
0017 %
0018 % Note this routine generates row vectors such that E((x-m)'*(x-m)) = C = cov(x). If
0019 % Alternatively x=(n,m',c,w,mode)' will generate column vectors satisfying E((x-m)*(x-m)') = C = cov(x').
0021 % Bugs/suggestions
0022 %    (1)  New mode 'x' to approximate chi squared
0024 %      Copyright (C) Mike Brookes 1998
0025 %      Version: $Id: v_randvec.m 10865 2018-09-21 17:22:45Z dmb $
0026 %
0027 %   VOICEBOX is a MATLAB toolbox for speech processing.
0028 %   Home page: http://www.ee.ic.ac.uk/hp/staff/dmb/voicebox/voicebox.html
0029 %
0030 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0031 %   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0032 %   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0033 %   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
0034 %   (at your option) any later version.
0035 %
0036 %   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0037 %   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0039 %   GNU General Public License for more details.
0040 %
0041 %   You can obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License from
0042 %   http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html or by writing to
0043 %   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
0044 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0046 % first sort out the input arguments
0048 sm=size(m);
0049 if nargin<3
0050     c=ones(sm);         % default to unit variance
0051 end
0052 sc=size(c);
0053 p=max(sm(2),sc(2));     % data dimension
0054 k=sm(1);                % number of mixtures
0055 fullc=(length(sc)>2) || (sc(1)>k);
0056 if nargin<4
0057     mode='g';   % default to gaussian
0058     w=ones(k,1);
0059 else
0060     if ischar(w)
0061         mode = w;       % w argument has been omitted
0062         w=ones(k,1);
0063     elseif nargin<5
0064         mode='g';
0065     end
0066 end
0067 ty=mode(1);   % ignore all but first character for type
0068 x=zeros(n,p);   % initialize output array
0069 if sm(2)~=p
0070     m=repmat(m,1,p);    % if m is given as a scalar
0071 end
0072 if sc(2) ~=p
0073     c=repmat(c,1,p);    % if c is given as a scalar
0074 end
0075 q=sqrt(0.5);
0076 if k>1
0077     kx=v_randiscr(w,n);
0078 else
0079     kx=ones(n,1);
0080 end
0081 for kk=1:k
0082     nx=find(kx==kk);
0083     nn=length(nx);
0084     if nn       % check if we need to generate any from mixture kk
0086         % extract the mean and cov for this mixture
0088         mm=m(kk,:);     % mean vector
0089         if fullc        % full covariance matrix
0090             cc=c(:,:,kk);
0091             if ty=='l'      % lognormal distribution - convert mean and covariance
0092                 cc=log(1+cc./(mm.'*mm));
0093                 mm=log(mm)-0.5*diag(cc).';
0094             end
0095         else
0096             cc=c(kk,:);
0097             if ty=='l'      % lognormal distribution - convert mean and covariance
0098                 cc=log(1+cc(:).'./mm.^2);
0099                 mm=log(mm)-0.5*cc;
0100             end
0101         end
0103         % now generate nn complex or real values
0105         if ty=='c'  % generate complex values
0106             xx=q*randn(nn,p)+1i*q*randn(nn,p); % complex-valued unit variance values
0107         else
0108             xx=randn(nn,p);   % real-valued unit variance values
0109         end;
0111         % scale by the square root of the covariance matrix
0113         if fullc   % full covariance covariance
0114             [v,d]=eig((cc+cc')/2);   % force covariance matrix to be hermitian
0115             xx=(xx.*repmat(sqrt(abs(diag(d))).',nn,1))*v'+repmat(mm,nn,1); % and also positive definite
0116         else
0117             xx=xx.*repmat(sqrt(abs(cc)),nn,1)+repmat(mm,nn,1); % different mean/cov for each column
0118         end
0119         x(nx,:)=xx;
0120     end
0121 end
0122 if ty=='l'  % lognormal distribution
0123     x=exp(x);
0124 end
0125 if ~nargout
0126     if p==1
0127         if ty=='c'
0128             plot(real(x), imag(x),'+');
0129             xlabel('Real');
0130             ylabel('Imag');
0131         else
0132             nbin=max(min(floor(sqrt(n)),50),5);
0133             hist(x,nbin);
0134             xlabel('X');
0135             ylabel('Frequency');
0136         end
0137     else
0138         [vv,iv]=sort(var(x,0,1));
0139         iv=sort(iv(end-1:end));
0140         plot(real(x(:,iv(1))), real(x(:,iv(2))),'+');
0141         if ty=='c'
0142             xylab='Real[ x(%d) ]';
0143         else
0144             xylab='x(%d)';
0145         end
0146         xlabel(sprintf(xylab,iv(1)));
0147         ylabel(sprintf(xylab,iv(2)));
0148     end
0149 end

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