

ROTEU2QR converts a sequence of Euler angles to a real unit quaternion


function q=v_roteu2qr(m,e)


ROTEU2QR converts a sequence of Euler angles to a real unit quaternion

     M        a string of n characters from the set determining the order of rotation axes
              as listed below. Note that the control characters 'rdoOaA' may occur anywhere in the string:
                'x','y','z'    rotate around the given axis by the corresponding angle
                               given in e()
                '1','2','3'    90 degree rotation around x,y or z axis; doesn't use a value from e()
                '4','5','6'    180 degree rotation around x,y or z axis; doesn't use a value from e()
                '7','8','9'    270 degree rotation around x,y or z axis; doesn't use a value from e()
                'r','d'        all angles are given in radians or degrees  [default='r']
                'R','D'        all angles are given in radians or degrees and are negated
             'o','O','a','A'   selects whether to rotate the object or the coordinate axes and
                               whether the rotation axes remain fixed in space for consecutive
                               rotations (extrinsic) or else move with each rotation (intrinsic).
                                  'o' = object-extrinsic [default]
                                  'O' = object-intrinsic
                                  'a' = axes-extrinsic
                                  'A' = axes-intrinsic

     E(K,...)  K Euler angles in radians (or degrees if 'd' or 'D' specified) per quaternion where K is the number of 'xyz' characters in M.
               A positive rotation is clockwise if looking along the +ve axis away from the origin or anti-clockwise if 'R' or 'D' is given.
               The x, y, z axes form a right-handed triple.


     Q(4,...)   output quaternion. Q is normalized to have magnitude 1 with
                its first non-zero coefficient positive.

 The string M specifies the seqeunce of axes about which the rotations are performed. There are 12
 possible 3-character sequences that avoid consecutive repetitions. These are 'Euler angles' if
 there is a repeated axis or 'Tait-Bryan angles' if not. Common choices are:
 (1) 'zxz' the most common Euler angle set (including a replicated axis, z)
 (2) 'xyz' corresponds to 'roll, pitch, yaw' for an aeroplane heading in the x direction with y to
     the right and z down. The intrinsic equivalent is 'Ozyx' corresponding to 'yaw, pitch, roll'.
 (3) 'z1z1z' involves 5 rotations, in which all the non-fixed rotations are around the z axis.

 Inverse conversion: If m has length 3 with adjacent characters distinct,
                     then v_rotqr2eu(m,v_roteu2qr(m,e))=e.

 Inverse rotation:   qrmult(roteu2qr(m,e),roteu2qr(fliplr(m),-fliplr(e)))=+-[ 1 0 0 0]'


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function q=v_roteu2qr(m,e)
0002 %ROTEU2QR converts a sequence of Euler angles to a real unit quaternion
0003 % Inputs:
0004 %
0005 %     M        a string of n characters from the set determining the order of rotation axes
0006 %              as listed below. Note that the control characters 'rdoOaA' may occur anywhere in the string:
0007 %                'x','y','z'    rotate around the given axis by the corresponding angle
0008 %                               given in e()
0009 %                '1','2','3'    90 degree rotation around x,y or z axis; doesn't use a value from e()
0010 %                '4','5','6'    180 degree rotation around x,y or z axis; doesn't use a value from e()
0011 %                '7','8','9'    270 degree rotation around x,y or z axis; doesn't use a value from e()
0012 %                'r','d'        all angles are given in radians or degrees  [default='r']
0013 %                'R','D'        all angles are given in radians or degrees and are negated
0014 %             'o','O','a','A'   selects whether to rotate the object or the coordinate axes and
0015 %                               whether the rotation axes remain fixed in space for consecutive
0016 %                               rotations (extrinsic) or else move with each rotation (intrinsic).
0017 %                                  'o' = object-extrinsic [default]
0018 %                                  'O' = object-intrinsic
0019 %                                  'a' = axes-extrinsic
0020 %                                  'A' = axes-intrinsic
0021 %
0022 %     E(K,...)  K Euler angles in radians (or degrees if 'd' or 'D' specified) per quaternion where K is the number of 'xyz' characters in M.
0023 %               A positive rotation is clockwise if looking along the +ve axis away from the origin or anti-clockwise if 'R' or 'D' is given.
0024 %               The x, y, z axes form a right-handed triple.
0025 %
0026 % Outputs:
0027 %
0028 %     Q(4,...)   output quaternion. Q is normalized to have magnitude 1 with
0029 %                its first non-zero coefficient positive.
0030 %
0031 % The string M specifies the seqeunce of axes about which the rotations are performed. There are 12
0032 % possible 3-character sequences that avoid consecutive repetitions. These are 'Euler angles' if
0033 % there is a repeated axis or 'Tait-Bryan angles' if not. Common choices are:
0034 % (1) 'zxz' the most common Euler angle set (including a replicated axis, z)
0035 % (2) 'xyz' corresponds to 'roll, pitch, yaw' for an aeroplane heading in the x direction with y to
0036 %     the right and z down. The intrinsic equivalent is 'Ozyx' corresponding to 'yaw, pitch, roll'.
0037 % (3) 'z1z1z' involves 5 rotations, in which all the non-fixed rotations are around the z axis.
0038 %
0039 % Inverse conversion: If m has length 3 with adjacent characters distinct,
0040 %                     then v_rotqr2eu(m,v_roteu2qr(m,e))=e.
0041 %
0042 % Inverse rotation:   qrmult(roteu2qr(m,e),roteu2qr(fliplr(m),-fliplr(e)))=+-[ 1 0 0 0]'
0044 %
0045 %      Copyright (C) Mike Brookes 2007-2020
0046 %      Version: $Id: v_roteu2qr.m 11260 2020-07-18 20:07:58Z dmb $
0047 %
0048 %   VOICEBOX is a MATLAB toolbox for speech processing.
0049 %   Home page: http://www.ee.ic.ac.uk/hp/staff/dmb/voicebox/voicebox.html
0050 %
0051 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0052 %   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0053 %   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0054 %   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
0055 %   (at your option) any later version.
0056 %
0057 %   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0058 %   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0060 %   GNU General Public License for more details.
0061 %
0062 %   You can obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License from
0063 %   http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html or by writing to
0064 %   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
0065 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0066 persistent y cb sb mch mvch
0067 if isempty(y)
0068     y=repmat([2 4 1 3 1 3 2 4; 3 2 1 4 1 4 3 2; 3 4 2 1 1 2 4 3],4,1);
0069     cb=cos([0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3]*pi/4);
0070     sb=sin([0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3]*pi/4);
0071     mch=''; % cached rotation code string
0072     mvch=[0;0;1;1;0;0;1];
0073 end
0074 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0075 % Convert the m string
0076 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0077 if ischar(m) && strcmp(m,mch) % check if the rotation code string is cached
0078     mv=mvch;
0079 else
0080     mv=v_roteucode(m); % else decode the string
0081     mch=m; % and save the result in the cache for next time.
0082     mvch=mv;
0083 end
0084 ne=mv(2,end); % number of elements required in e per output
0085 if ne==0
0086     sz=[1 1]; % change sz to give a single output
0087     q=zeros(4,1); % space for single output quaternion
0088 else
0089     sz=size(e);
0090     if sz(1)==1 && numel(e)==ne % allow legacy call with row-vector input
0091         e=e(:);
0092         sz=size(e);
0093     else
0094         e=reshape(e,sz(1),[]); % put each set of angles in a separate column
0095     end
0096     q=zeros(4,size(e,2)); % space for output quaternions
0097 end
0098 q(1,:)=1; % initialize output quaternions to the value 1
0099 r=q; % space for temporary quaternion
0100 ef=0.5*mv(end-3); % signed euler angle scale factor include 0.5 factor
0101 nm=size(mv,2)-1; % number of rotations to do
0102 for i=1:nm
0103     mvi=mv(:,i);
0104     mi=mvi(1);
0105     x=y(mi,:); % index for x,y,or z axes
0106     if mi<4
0107         b=ef*e(mvi(2),:); % semi-rotation angle in radians
0108         c=cos(b);
0109         s=sin(b);
0110     else
0111         c=cb(mi);
0112         s=sb(mi);
0113     end
0114     r(x(1:2),:)=q(x(3:4),:);
0115     r(x(5:6),:)=-q(x(7:8),:);
0116     q=repmat(c,4,1).*q+repmat(s,4,1).*r;
0117 end
0118 q(1,:)=q(1,:)*mv(end); % invert rotation if necessary
0119 if ~nargout
0120     v_rotqr2ro(q(:,1)); % plot a cube
0121 else
0122     sz(1)=4; % each rotation needs 4 outputs
0123     q=reshape(q.*repmat(sign([8 4 2 1]*sign(q)),4,1),sz); % force leading coefficient to be positive and reshape
0124 end

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