

V_TXALIGN Find the best alignment of two sets of time markers [KX,KY,N,M,S]=(X,Y,MAXT)


function [kx,ky,nxy,mxy,sxy]=v_txalign(x,y,maxt,nsd)


V_TXALIGN Find the best alignment of two sets of time markers [KX,KY,N,M,S]=(X,Y,MAXT)
 x and y vectors contain a list of non-decreasing time values
 we find the alignment between them to minimize (x-y)^2 with a penalty of maxt^2
 for every unmatched pair of entries from x and y.
 an x value can only match to the nearest y value in either the +ve or -ve direction
 If nsd is specified then the threshold is defined circularly to be nsd 
 times the std deviation of the matches away from the mean


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [kx,ky,nxy,mxy,sxy]=v_txalign(x,y,maxt,nsd)
0002 %V_TXALIGN Find the best alignment of two sets of time markers [KX,KY,N,M,S]=(X,Y,MAXT)
0003 % x and y vectors contain a list of non-decreasing time values
0004 % we find the alignment between them to minimize (x-y)^2 with a penalty of maxt^2
0005 % for every unmatched pair of entries from x and y.
0006 % an x value can only match to the nearest y value in either the +ve or -ve direction
0007 % If nsd is specified then the threshold is defined circularly to be nsd
0008 % times the std deviation of the matches away from the mean
0010 % e.g. v_txalign([1 11 21 27 31 42 51],[2 12 15 22 25 32 41 52 61],1.1);
0012 %
0013 % Outputs: kx is a column vector the same length as x. kx(i)=j if
0014 %             x(i) is matched to y(j). kx(i)=0 if x(i) is unmatched.
0015 %          ky is a column vector the same length as y. ky(j)=i if
0016 %             y(j) is matched to x(i). kx(j)=0 if y(j) is unmatched.
0017 %          nxy is the number of matched pairs
0018 %          mxy is the mean of y(j)-x(i) for the matched pairs
0019 %          sxy is the standard deviation (biassed) of y(j)-x(i) for matched pairs
0020 %
0021 % If no outputs are specified, v_txalign plots a graph showing y-x against mean(x,y)
0023 %      Copyright (C) Mike Brookes 2002
0024 %      Version: $Id: v_txalign.m 10865 2018-09-21 17:22:45Z dmb $
0025 %
0026 %   VOICEBOX is a MATLAB toolbox for speech processing.
0027 %   Home page: http://www.ee.ic.ac.uk/hp/staff/dmb/voicebox/voicebox.html%
0028 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0029 %   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0030 %   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0031 %   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
0032 %   (at your option) any later version.
0033 %
0034 %   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0035 %   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0037 %   GNU General Public License for more details.
0038 %
0039 %   You can obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License from
0040 %   http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html or by writing to
0041 %   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
0042 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0044 % d(*,i): i=1 cumulative cost if not the second of a pair
0045 %           2 cumulative cost if the second of a pair
0046 %           3 +1 if second of pair given that next is not second of pair
0047 %             -1 if not allowed to be second of pair
0048 %           4 0 if this is an x value, 1 if a y value
0049 lx=length(x);
0050 ly=length(y);
0052 if nargin<4 % no nsd specified
0053 x(lx+1)=2*abs(y(ly))+1;
0054 y(ly+1)=2*abs(x(lx))+1;
0055 lxy=lx+ly+1;
0056 d=zeros(lxy,4);
0058 if lx>0 & ly>0
0059 c0=maxt^2;
0060 ix=1;
0061 iy=1;
0062 d(1,:)=[0 0 -1 y(1)<x(1)];
0063 vp=0;
0064 for id=2:lxy
0065     if y(iy)<x(ix) % do y next
0066         v=y(iy);
0067         d(id,4)=1;
0068         iy=iy+1;
0069     else % do x next
0070         v=x(ix);
0071         ix=ix+1;
0072     end
0073     if d(id,4)==d(id-1,4)
0074         d(id,3)=-1;
0075     else
0076         d(id,2)=d(id-1,1)-c0+(v-vp)^2;
0077     end
0078     if ~d(id-1,3) & d(id-1,1)>=d(id-1,2)
0079         d(id,1)=d(id-1,2);
0080         d(id-1,3)=1;
0081     else
0082         d(id,1)=d(id-1,1);
0083     end
0084     vp=v;
0085 end
0086 if ~d(lxy,3) & d(lxy,1)>=d(lxy,2)
0087     d(lxy,3)=1;
0088 end
0090 % now do the traceback
0092 ix=lx;
0093 iy=ly;
0094 nxy=0;
0095 mxy=0;
0096 sxy=0;
0097 kx=zeros(lx,1);
0098 ky=zeros(ly,1);
0099 while (ix>0) & (iy>0)
0100     id=ix+iy+1;
0101     if d(id,3)>0
0102         ky(iy)=ix;  % iy aligned with ix
0103         kx(ix)=iy;
0104         dt=y(iy)-x(ix);
0105         nxy=nxy+1;
0106         mxy=mxy+dt;
0107         sxy=sxy+dt^2;
0108         ix=ix-1;
0109         iy=iy-1;
0110     else
0111         ix = ix-1+d(id,4);
0112         iy = iy-d(id,4);
0113     end
0114 end
0115 if nxy
0116     mxy=mxy/nxy;
0117     sxy=sqrt(sxy/nxy-mxy^2);
0118 end
0119 % eliminate junk and plot results
0120 if ~nargout
0121     x(end)=[];
0122     y(end)=[];
0123     x=x(:);
0124     y=y(:);
0125     p=zeros(lxy-nxy-1,3);
0126     p=[x x -(kx==0); y(ky==0) y(ky==0) ones(ly-nxy,1)];
0127     p(kx>0,2)=y(kx(kx>0));
0128     p=sortrows(p);
0129     p(:,1:2)=p(:,1:2)*[0.5 -1; 0.5 1];
0130     plot(p(p(:,3)==0,1),p(p(:,3)==0,2),'-*',p(p(:,3)<0,1),p(p(:,3)<0,2),'x',p(p(:,3)>0,1),p(p(:,3)>0,2),'o');
0131     xlabel('Mean of x and y (x,o = unmatched x,y)');
0132     ylabel('y-x difference');
0133 end
0134 else % nsd specifies how many std deviations to exclude
0135     [kx,ky,nxy,mxy,sxy]=v_txalign(x,y,maxt);
0136     nxy0=nxy+1;
0137     while nxy<nxy0
0138         nxy0=nxy;
0139         mxy0=mxy;
0140         [kx,ky,nxy,mxy,sxy]=v_txalign(x+mxy0,y,nsd*sxy);
0141     end
0142     mxy=mxy+mxy0;
0143     if ~nargout
0144         v_txalign(x,y,nsd*sxy); % plot it
0145     end
0146 end
0147 else
0148     kx=zeros(lx,1);
0149     ky=zeros(ly,1);
0150     nxy=0;
0151     mxy=0;
0152     sxy=0;
0153 end

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