

V_FINISHAT print estimated finish time of a long computation (FRAC,TOL,FMT)


function [eta,etaf]=v_finishat(frac,tol,fmt)


V_FINISHAT print estimated finish time of a long computation (FRAC,TOL,FMT)
 Usage:  (1)  for i=1:many
                  v_finishat((i-1)/many);  % initializes on first pass when i=1
                  ... computation ...

         (3)  v_finishat(0);               % explicit initialization before loop
              for i=1:many
                  ... computation ...
                  v_finishat(i/many);      % calculate fraction completed

         (5)  for i=MI:NI
                  for j=MJ:NJ
                      for k=MK:NK
                          v_finishat([i MI NI; j MJ NJ; k MK NK]); % one row per nested loop
                          ... computation ...

         (6)  for i=MI:DI:NI
                  for j=MJ:DJ:NJ
                      for k=MK:DK:NK
                          v_finishat([i MI DI NI; j MJ DJ NJ; k MK DK NK]); % one row per nested loop
                          ... computation ...

 Inputs: FRAC = fraction of total comutation that has been completed
                Alternatively at start of inner loop: [i MI DI NI; j MJ DJ NJ; k MK DK NK; ...] where i, j, k are
                nested loop indices and MI:DI:NI, MJ:DJ:NJ, MK:DK:NK their limits. If the DI, DJ, DK, ... all equal 1
                The may be omitted. Use k+1 instead of k if placed at the end of the inner loop.
                As a special case, FRAC=0 initializes the routine.
         TOL  = Tolerance in minutes. If the estimated time has changed by less
                than this, then nothing will be printed. [default 10% of remaining time]
         FMT  = Format string which should include:
                   %s for estimated finish time
                   %d for remaining minutes
                   %t for remaining hr:min:sec
                   %f for fraction complete
                   %p for % complete
                The %t, %f and %p options can include optional width and/or decimal-place dimensions (e.g. %.2f)

 Output: ETA  = string containing the expected finish time
                specifying this will suppress printing message to std err (fid=2)
         ETAF = expected finish time as a daynumber

 Example:       v_finishat(0);
                for i=1:many
                    long computation;


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [eta,etaf]=v_finishat(frac,tol,fmt)
0002 %V_FINISHAT print estimated finish time of a long computation (FRAC,TOL,FMT)
0003 % Usage:  (1)  for i=1:many
0004 %                  v_finishat((i-1)/many);  % initializes on first pass when i=1
0005 %                  ... computation ...
0006 %              end
0007 %
0008 %         (3)  v_finishat(0);               % explicit initialization before loop
0009 %              for i=1:many
0010 %                  ... computation ...
0011 %                  v_finishat(i/many);      % calculate fraction completed
0012 %              end
0013 %
0014 %         (5)  for i=MI:NI
0015 %                  for j=MJ:NJ
0016 %                      for k=MK:NK
0017 %                          v_finishat([i MI NI; j MJ NJ; k MK NK]); % one row per nested loop
0018 %                          ... computation ...
0019 %                      end
0020 %                  end
0021 %              end
0022 %
0023 %         (6)  for i=MI:DI:NI
0024 %                  for j=MJ:DJ:NJ
0025 %                      for k=MK:DK:NK
0026 %                          v_finishat([i MI DI NI; j MJ DJ NJ; k MK DK NK]); % one row per nested loop
0027 %                          ... computation ...
0028 %                      end
0029 %                  end
0030 %              end
0031 %
0032 % Inputs: FRAC = fraction of total comutation that has been completed
0033 %                Alternatively at start of inner loop: [i MI DI NI; j MJ DJ NJ; k MK DK NK; ...] where i, j, k are
0034 %                nested loop indices and MI:DI:NI, MJ:DJ:NJ, MK:DK:NK their limits. If the DI, DJ, DK, ... all equal 1
0035 %                The may be omitted. Use k+1 instead of k if placed at the end of the inner loop.
0036 %                As a special case, FRAC=0 initializes the routine.
0037 %         TOL  = Tolerance in minutes. If the estimated time has changed by less
0038 %                than this, then nothing will be printed. [default 10% of remaining time]
0039 %         FMT  = Format string which should include:
0040 %                   %s for estimated finish time
0041 %                   %d for remaining minutes
0042 %                   %t for remaining hr:min:sec
0043 %                   %f for fraction complete
0044 %                   %p for % complete
0045 %                The %t, %f and %p options can include optional width and/or decimal-place dimensions (e.g. %.2f)
0046 %
0047 % Output: ETA  = string containing the expected finish time
0048 %                specifying this will suppress printing message to std err (fid=2)
0049 %         ETAF = expected finish time as a daynumber
0050 %
0051 % Example:       v_finishat(0);
0052 %                for i=1:many
0053 %                    long computation;
0054 %                    v_finishat(i/many);
0055 %                end
0057 %      Copyright (C) Mike Brookes 1998-2023
0058 %      Version: $Id: v_finishat.m 10865 2018-09-21 17:22:45Z dmb $
0059 %
0060 %   VOICEBOX is a MATLAB toolbox for speech processing.
0061 %   Home page: http://www.ee.ic.ac.uk/hp/staff/dmb/voicebox/voicebox.html
0062 %
0063 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0064 %   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0065 %   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0066 %   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
0067 %   (at your option) any later version.
0068 %
0069 %   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0070 %   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0072 %   GNU General Public License for more details.
0073 %
0074 %   You can obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License from
0075 %   http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html or by writing to
0076 %   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
0077 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0079 persistent oldt oldnw tstart
0080 [nf,nv]=size(frac);
0081 if nargin<3
0082     fmt='Estimated finish at %s (%.0p done, %t remaining)\n';
0083 end
0084 if isempty(tstart) || nv<3 && all(frac(:,1)<=[ones(nf-1,1); 0]) || nv>=3 && all(frac(:,1)==frac(:,2)) % initialize if fraction done is <=0
0085     oldt=0;
0086     eta='Unknown';
0087     tstart=tic;
0088 else
0089     if nv==2 % obsolete format that assumes all loop indices start at 1
0090         fp=cumprod(frac(:,2));
0091         frac=sum((frac(:,1)-1)./fp)+1/fp(end);
0092     elseif nv==3
0093         fp=cumprod(frac(:,3)-frac(:,2)+1);
0094         frac=sum((frac(:,1)-frac(:,2))./fp);
0095     else
0096         fp=cumprod(floor((frac(:,4)-frac(:,2))./frac(:,3))+1);
0097         frac=sum(round((frac(:,1)-frac(:,2))./frac(:,3))./fp);
0098     end
0099     nw=now;                             % current time as serial number
0100     sectogo=(1/frac-1)*toc(tstart);      % seconds to go
0101     newt=nw+sectogo/86400;       % add estimated time in days
0102     if nargin<2 || ~numel(tol)
0103         tol=max(0.1*(newt-nw)*1440,1);
0104     end
0105     if ~exist('oldt','var') || length(oldt)~=1 || oldt==0 || (abs(newt-oldt)>tol/1440 && (nw-oldnw)>10/86400) || (nw-oldnw)>10/1440 || nargout>0
0106         oldt=newt;
0107         if floor(oldt)==floor(nw)
0108             df='HH:MM';
0109         else
0110             df='HH:MM dd-mmm-yyyy';
0111         end
0112         eta=datestr(oldt,df);
0113         if ~nargout
0114             ix=find(fmt=='%',1);
0115             while ~isempty(ix)
0116                 fprintf(2,fmt(1:ix-1));
0117                 fmt=fmt(ix:end);
0118                 ix=find(fmt>='a' & fmt<='z',1); % find letter
0119                 switch fmt(ix)
0120                     case 's'
0121                         fprintf(2,fmt(1:ix),eta);
0122                     case 'd'
0123                         fprintf(2,fmt(1:ix),round(sectogo/60));
0124                     case 'f'
0125                         if ix>2
0126                             fprintf(2,fmt(1:ix),frac);
0127                         else
0128                             fprintf(2,'%.2f',frac);
0129                         end
0130                     case 'p'
0131                         if ix>2
0132                         fprintf(2,[fmt(1:ix-1) 'f%%'],frac*100);
0133                         else
0134                             fprintf(2,'%.0f%%',frac*100);
0135                         end
0136                     case 't'
0137                         if ix>2
0138                             if sectogo>=3600
0139                                 fprintf(2,[fmt(1:ix-1) 'f hr'],sectogo/3600);
0140                             elseif sectogo>=60
0141                                 fprintf(2,[fmt(1:ix-1) 'f min'],sectogo/60);
0142                             else
0143                                 fprintf(2,[fmt(1:ix-1) 'f sec'],sectogo);
0144                             end
0145                         else
0146                             if sectogo>=36000
0147                                 fprintf(2,'%.0f hr',sectogo/3600);
0148                             elseif sectogo>=3600
0149                                 fprintf(2,'%.1f hr',sectogo/3600);
0150                             elseif sectogo>=600
0151                                 fprintf(2,'%.0f min',sectogo/60);
0152                             elseif sectogo>=60
0153                                 fprintf(2,'%.1f min',sectogo/60);
0154                             else
0155                                 fprintf(2,'%.0f sec',sectogo);
0156                             end
0157                         end
0158                 end
0159                 fmt=fmt(ix+1:end);
0160                 ix=find(fmt=='%',1);
0161             end
0162             fprintf(2,fmt);
0163         end
0164         oldnw=nw;                           %
0165     end
0166 end
0167 etaf=oldt;

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