

V_HISTNDIM - generates and/or plots an n-dimensional histogram


function [v,t]=v_histndim(x,b,mode)


V_HISTNDIM - generates and/or plots an n-dimensional histogram

  Inputs:  X(m,d)   is the input data: each row is one d-dimensiona data point
           B(3,d)   specifies the histogram bins.
                         B(1,:) gives the number of bins in each dmension [default 10]
                         B(2,:) gives the minimum of the first bin in each dimension [default min(X)]
                         B(3,:) gives the maximum of the last bin in each dimension [default max(X)]
                    If B has only one column, the same values are use for al dimensions 
                    If B(1,i)=0 then that dimension will be ignored (and excluded from V)
           MODE     is a character string containing a combination of the following:
                        'z' for zero base in the 2D plot [default base = min(V)]
                        'p' to scale V as probabilities [default actual counts]
                        'h' to plot a histogam even if output arguments are present

 Outputs:  V        d-dimensional array containing the histogram counts
           T        d-element cell array. d{i} contains the bin boundary values for
                    the i'th dimension. The length of d{i} is one more than the number of bins
                    in that dimension.

                    Note that if any of B(1,:) are zero then the number of dimensions in V and elements
                    of T will be correspondingly reduced.

 Example: v_histndim(randn(100000,2),[20 -3 3]','pz');


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [v,t]=v_histndim(x,b,mode)
0002 %V_HISTNDIM - generates and/or plots an n-dimensional histogram
0003 %
0004 %  Inputs:  X(m,d)   is the input data: each row is one d-dimensiona data point
0005 %           B(3,d)   specifies the histogram bins.
0006 %                         B(1,:) gives the number of bins in each dmension [default 10]
0007 %                         B(2,:) gives the minimum of the first bin in each dimension [default min(X)]
0008 %                         B(3,:) gives the maximum of the last bin in each dimension [default max(X)]
0009 %                    If B has only one column, the same values are use for al dimensions
0010 %                    If B(1,i)=0 then that dimension will be ignored (and excluded from V)
0011 %           MODE     is a character string containing a combination of the following:
0012 %                        'z' for zero base in the 2D plot [default base = min(V)]
0013 %                        'p' to scale V as probabilities [default actual counts]
0014 %                        'h' to plot a histogam even if output arguments are present
0015 %
0016 % Outputs:  V        d-dimensional array containing the histogram counts
0017 %           T        d-element cell array. d{i} contains the bin boundary values for
0018 %                    the i'th dimension. The length of d{i} is one more than the number of bins
0019 %                    in that dimension.
0020 %
0021 %                    Note that if any of B(1,:) are zero then the number of dimensions in V and elements
0022 %                    of T will be correspondingly reduced.
0023 %
0024 % Example: v_histndim(randn(100000,2),[20 -3 3]','pz');
0026 %       Copyright (C) Mike Brookes 2004
0027 %      Version: $Id: v_histndim.m 10865 2018-09-21 17:22:45Z dmb $
0028 %
0029 %   VOICEBOX is a MATLAB toolbox for speech processing.
0030 %   Home page: http://www.ee.ic.ac.uk/hp/staff/dmb/voicebox/voicebox.html
0031 %
0032 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0033 %   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0034 %   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0035 %   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
0036 %   (at your option) any later version.
0037 %
0038 %   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0039 %   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0041 %   GNU General Public License for more details.
0042 %
0043 %   You can obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License from
0044 %   http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html or by writing to
0045 %   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
0046 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0048 [n,d]=size(x);
0049 if nargin<3
0050     mode=' ';
0051     if(nargin<2)
0052         b=repmat(10,1,d);
0053     end
0054 end
0056 if size(b,2)==1
0057     b=repmat(b,1,d);
0058 end
0059 if size(b,1)<3
0060     mi=min(x,[],1);
0061     ma=max(x,[],1);
0062     w=(ma-mi)./(b(1,:)-0.001);  % nudge slightly to make sure al points included
0063     b(3,:)=ma+0.0005*w;
0064     b(2,:)=mi-0.0005*w;
0065 end
0067 acd=find(b(1,:)>0);
0068 sv=b(1,acd);
0069 nbt=prod(sv);
0070 t=cell(length(acd),1);
0072 % loop through each dimension
0073 k=1;        % indexing factor
0074 ok=repmat(1>0,n,1);
0075 ix=repmat(nbt-sum(cumprod(sv)),n,1);
0076 for i=1:length(acd)
0077     j=acd(i);
0078     bw=b(1,j)/(b(3,j)-b(2,j));
0079     bi=ceil((x(:,j)-b(2,j))*bw);
0080     ok=ok & (bi>0) & (bi<=b(1,j));
0081     ix(ok)=ix(ok)+k*bi(ok);
0082     k=k*b(1,j);
0083     t{i}=b(2,j)+(0:b(1,j))/bw;
0084 end
0085 v=full(sparse(ix(ok),1,1,nbt,1));
0086 if length(sv)>1
0087     v=reshape(v,sv);
0088 end
0089 if any(mode=='p')
0090     v=v/n;
0091 end
0093 if ~nargout | any(mode=='h')
0094     svg=find(sv>1);
0095     if length(svg)==1
0096         j=acd(svg);
0097         bar(b(2,j)+(0.5:sv(svg)-0.5)*(b(3,j)-b(2,j))/b(1,j),v(:));
0098     elseif length(svg)==2
0099         j=acd(svg(1));
0100         k=acd(svg(2));
0101         bj=b(1,j);
0102         bk=b(1,k);
0103         %     imagesc(b(2:3,k),b(2:3,j),reshape(v,b(1,j),b(1,k)));
0104         vda=kron(reshape(v,bj,bk),[1 1;1 1]);
0105         if any(mode=='z')
0106             ba=0;
0107         else
0108             ba=min(vda(:));
0109         end
0110         vda=[repmat(ba,1,2*bk+2);repmat(ba,2*bj,1) vda repmat(ba,2*bj,1);repmat(ba,1,2*bk+2)];
0111         jda=kron(t{svg(1)},[1 1]);
0112         jda=jda-(jda(3)-jda(2))*0.01*[-0.5 (-1).^(1:2*bj) 0.5]; % nudge slightly to avoid MATLAB plotting bug
0113         kda=kron(t{svg(2)},[1 1]);
0114         kda=kda-(kda(3)-kda(2))*0.01*[-0.5 (-1).^(1:2*bk) 0.5];
0115         surf(jda,kda,vda');
0116         ylabel(sprintf('Axis %d',k));
0117         xlabel(sprintf('Axis %d',j));
0118         colorbar;
0119     else
0120         fprintf(2,'Error in %s: Cannot plot 3-D histogram\n',mfilename);
0121     end
0122 end

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