

V_IMPORTSII calculates the SII importance function per Hz or per Bark Q=(F,M)


function q=v_importsii(f,m)


V_IMPORTSII calculates the SII importance function per Hz or per Bark Q=(F,M)
        f(n)   Frequencies to which to calculate importance in Hz
               or Bark according to 'b' flag.
        m      Mode string with some of the following flags:
                'b'  Frequencies given in Bark rather than Hz
                'c'  Calculate cumulative importance for f<f(i)
                'd'  Calculate importance of n-1 bands: band i is f(i) to f(i+1)
                'h'  Calculate importance per Hz or per Bark (accoring to 'b' flag)
        q(n) or q(n-1) gives the importance at each of the f(i) or else,
               if the 'd' flag is specified, in the band from f(i) to f(i+1).


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function q=v_importsii(f,m)
0002 %V_IMPORTSII calculates the SII importance function per Hz or per Bark Q=(F,M)
0003 % Inputs:
0004 %        f(n)   Frequencies to which to calculate importance in Hz
0005 %               or Bark according to 'b' flag.
0006 %        m      Mode string with some of the following flags:
0007 %                'b'  Frequencies given in Bark rather than Hz
0008 %                'c'  Calculate cumulative importance for f<f(i)
0009 %                'd'  Calculate importance of n-1 bands: band i is f(i) to f(i+1)
0010 %                'h'  Calculate importance per Hz or per Bark (accoring to 'b' flag)
0011 % Outputs:
0012 %        q(n) or q(n-1) gives the importance at each of the f(i) or else,
0013 %               if the 'd' flag is specified, in the band from f(i) to f(i+1).
0015 % The importance function is based on the piecewise linear function
0016 % defined in Fig 3 of [2]. This is integrated to give the cumulative
0017 % importance function. It is modified slightly from Fig 3 so that the
0018 % constant portion extends from 4 to 18 Bark (critical bands 5 to 18).
0019 % we then fit a linear portion at either end to force the correct integral
0020 % and ensure continuity of the importance at 4 and 18. The importance
0021 % function is zero outside the range [1.286 21.948] bark or [130.1 9361]
0022 % Hz.
0023 %
0024 % References:
0025 %  [1]  Methods for the calculation of the speech intelligibility index.
0026 %       ANSI Standard S3.5-1997 (R2007), American National Standards Institute, 1997.
0027 %  [2]  C. V. Pavlovic. Derivation of primary parameters and procedures for use in
0028 %       speech intelligibility predictions. J. Acoust Soc Amer, 82: 413�422, 1987.
0030 %       Copyright (C) Mike Brookes 2006
0031 %      Version: $Id: v_importsii.m 10865 2018-09-21 17:22:45Z dmb $
0032 %
0033 %   VOICEBOX is a MATLAB toolbox for speech processing.
0034 %   Home page: http://www.ee.ic.ac.uk/hp/staff/dmb/voicebox/voicebox.html
0035 %
0036 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0037 %   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0038 %   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0039 %   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
0040 %   (at your option) any later version.
0041 %
0042 %   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0043 %   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0045 %   GNU General Public License for more details.
0046 %
0047 %   You can obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License from
0048 %   http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html or by writing to
0049 %   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
0050 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0052 persistent mi ci ai bi xi0 xi1
0053 if isempty(mi)
0054     % cumulative importance function =  mi*b+c+ai*(b<4)*(b-4)^2-bi*(b>18)*(b-18)^2
0055     % for x in (xi0,xi1)
0056     ci4=0.0783;
0057     ci18=0.8861;
0058     mi=(ci18-ci4)/14;
0059     ci=ci4-4*mi;
0060     ai=mi^2/(4*(4*mi+ci));
0061     bi=mi^2/(4*(1-18*mi-ci));
0062     xi0=4-mi/(2*ai);
0063     xi1=18+mi/(2*bi);
0064 end
0065 if nargin<2
0066     m=' ';
0067 end
0068 if any(m=='b')
0069     b=f;
0070 else
0071     [b,d]=v_frq2bark(f);
0072 end
0073 if any(m=='c') || any(m=='d')
0074     q=mi*b+ci+ai*(b<4).*(b-4).^2-bi*(b>18).*(b-18).^2;
0075     q(b<xi0)=0;
0076     q(b>xi1)=1;
0077     if any(m=='d')
0078         q=q(2:end)-q(1:end-1);
0079     end
0080 else
0081     q=mi+ai*(b<4).*(b-4)-bi*(b>18).*(b-18);
0082     q(b<xi0)=0;
0083     q(b>xi1)=0;
0084     if ~any(m=='b')
0085         q=q./d;
0086     end
0087 end
0088 if ~nargout
0089     if any(m=='d')
0090         ix=(1:2*length(q))/2;
0091         plot(f(1+floor(ix)),q(ceil(ix)));
0092     else
0093         plot(f,q);
0094     end
0095     if any(m=='b')
0096         xlabel('Frequency (Bark)');
0097     else
0098         xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');
0099     end
0100     ylabel('Importance');
0101     if any(m=='c')
0102         title('SII Cumulative Importance');
0103     elseif any(m=='d')
0104         title('SII Band Importance');
0105     else
0106         title('SII Importance Function');
0107     end
0108 end

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