

V_ISTFTW converts a time-frequency domain signal back into the time domain with the inverse Short-time Fourier Transform [X,IO]=(Y,SO,IOP)


function [x,io]=v_istftw(y,so,iop)


V_ISTFTW converts a time-frequency domain signal back into the time domain with the inverse Short-time Fourier Transform [X,IO]=(Y,SO,IOP)

 For usage information, see v_stftw().

  Inputs: y(f,k,...)    STFT (frame=f, freq=k)
          so           The 'so' output from the call to v_stftw.
                       If processing the signal in chunks, this should come from
                       the v_stftw call corresponding to the most recent
          iop          The 'io' output from the previous chunk's call to v_istftw.
                       Omit for the first chunk or else use iop=[].

 Outputs: x(t,...)     Output signal
          io           structure used in subsequent call as the iop argument to
                       alllow processing in chunks. Omit this argument for
                       the final chunk.

 Revision History
    2022-04-10 First version


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [x,io]=v_istftw(y,so,iop)
0002 %V_ISTFTW converts a time-frequency domain signal back into the time domain with the inverse Short-time Fourier Transform [X,IO]=(Y,SO,IOP)
0003 %
0004 % For usage information, see v_stftw().
0005 %
0006 %  Inputs: y(f,k,...)    STFT (frame=f, freq=k)
0007 %          so           The 'so' output from the call to v_stftw.
0008 %                       If processing the signal in chunks, this should come from
0009 %                       the v_stftw call corresponding to the most recent
0010 %                       chunk.
0011 %          iop          The 'io' output from the previous chunk's call to v_istftw.
0012 %                       Omit for the first chunk or else use iop=[].
0013 %
0014 % Outputs: x(t,...)     Output signal
0015 %          io           structure used in subsequent call as the iop argument to
0016 %                       alllow processing in chunks. Omit this argument for
0017 %                       the final chunk.
0018 %
0019 % Revision History
0020 %    2022-04-10 First version
0021 sy=size(y);
0022 nf=sy(1);
0023 nc=prod(sy(3:end));
0024 % extract quantities from so structure
0025 nh=so.nh;                       % frame hop
0026 nt=so.nt;                       % length of transform
0027 ws=nh*nt*so.wa;                 % synthesis window for perfect reconstruction
0028 nw=length(ws);                  % length of window
0029 ov=nw/nh;                       % overlap factor (always an integer)
0030 if nargin>2 && isstruct(iop)
0031     md=iop.md;                     % remaining samples to delete at the start
0032     xx=iop.xx;                     % tail from previous call
0033     mx=iop.mx;                     % cumulative number of output samples
0034 else                            % first chunk if iop input is missing
0035     md=nh*(ov-1)*so.me;         % number of samples to delete at the start of the signal
0036     xx=zeros(0,nc,1);           % no tail from previous call
0037     mx=0;                       % cumulative number of output samples
0038 end
0039 if nf>0
0040     y=v_irfft(reshape(y,[sy(1:2) nc]),nt,2);    % inverse dft
0041     y=y(:,1:nw,:).*repmat(ws,nf,1,nc);          % truncate to nw and apply output window
0042     om=min(ov,nf);                              % number of occupied overlap sets
0043     if numel(xx)>0
0044         x=zeros(nw+nh*(nf-1),nc,min(ov,nf+1));    % space for output including saved data
0045         x(1:size(xx,1),:,end)=xx;               % insert output speech tail (already overlap-added)
0046     else
0047         x=zeros(nw+nh*(nf-1),nc,om);            % space for output
0048     end
0049     for i=1:om
0050         nm=nw*(1+floor((nf-i)/ov));             % number of samples in this column
0051         x(1+(i-1)*nh:nm+(i-1)*nh,:,i)=reshape(permute(y(i:ov:nf,:,:),[2 1 3]),nm,nc); % concatenate every ov'th frame
0052     end
0053     x=sum(x,3);                                 % perform the overlap-add
0054     if nargout>1
0055         t0=nw-nh-1;
0056         io.xx=x(end-t0:end,:);                  % save tail for overlap-adding next chunk
0057         x(end-t0:end,:)=[];                     % ... and remove it
0058     end
0059     if md>0
0060         mdd=min(md,size(x,1));
0061         x(1:mdd,:)=[];                          % delete initial samples
0062         md=md-mdd;
0063     end
0064     if so.mp==0 && size(x,1)>0 && mx+size(x,1)>so.mx
0065         x(end+so.mx-mx-size(x,1)+1:end,:)=[];   % delete unwanted samples at the end
0066     end
0067     if nargout>1
0068         io.md=md;                               % save number of sampes to delete at start
0069         io.mx=mx+size(x,1);                     % cumulative number of output samples
0070     end
0071     if nc>1
0072         x=reshape(x,[size(x,1) sy(3:end)]);
0073     end
0074 else                                            % no input frames
0075     if nargout>1                                % io output required
0076         if nargin>2
0077             io=iop;                             % copy from input structure if available
0078         else
0079         end
0080     end
0081     if nc>1
0082         x=zeros([0 sy(3:end)]);
0083     else
0084         x=[];
0085     end
0086 end

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