

V_RECTIFYHOMOG Apply rectifying homographies to an image set


function [imr,xa,ya]=v_rectifyhomog(ims,roc,k0,mode)


V_RECTIFYHOMOG Apply rectifying homographies to an image set

 Usage:    figure(101);     % Initial figure for rectiied image display
           v_rectifyhomog(ims,roc,k0,'ga');   % plot in individual figures

        ims{nc}       cell array of input images (colour or monochrome)
        roc(3,3,nc)   v_rotation matrices from world coordinates to camera coordinates
        k0            camera matrix or focal length in pixels optionally divided by the image width [0.8]
        mode          mode string
                         g  show images on separate figures
                         G  tile images onto a single figure [default if no output arguments]
                         k  clip to original image dimensions
                         l  do not link axes
                         v  k0 contains diffent values for each camera
                         a  orient to average camera orientation
                        [z  make optical axis perpendicular to camera plane]
                        [x  align x axis with camera displacements]
        imr{nc}(my,mx,nc)  output images (uint8)
        xa{nc}(mx)        x axis for each image
        ya{nc}(my)        y axis for each image


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [imr,xa,ya]=v_rectifyhomog(ims,roc,k0,mode)
0002 %V_RECTIFYHOMOG Apply rectifying homographies to an image set
0003 %
0004 % Usage:    figure(101);     % Initial figure for rectiied image display
0005 %           v_rectifyhomog(ims,roc,k0,'ga');   % plot in individual figures
0006 %
0007 % Inputs:
0008 %        ims{nc}       cell array of input images (colour or monochrome)
0009 %        roc(3,3,nc)   v_rotation matrices from world coordinates to camera coordinates
0010 %        k0            camera matrix or focal length in pixels optionally divided by the image width [0.8]
0011 %        mode          mode string
0012 %                         g  show images on separate figures
0013 %                         G  tile images onto a single figure [default if no output arguments]
0014 %                         k  clip to original image dimensions
0015 %                         l  do not link axes
0016 %                         v  k0 contains diffent values for each camera
0017 %                         a  orient to average camera orientation
0018 %                        [z  make optical axis perpendicular to camera plane]
0019 %                        [x  align x axis with camera displacements]
0020 % Outputs:
0021 %        imr{nc}(my,mx,nc)  output images (uint8)
0022 %        xa{nc}(mx)        x axis for each image
0023 %        ya{nc}(my)        y axis for each image
0025 %      Copyright (C) Mike Brookes 2012
0026 %      Version: $Id: v_rectifyhomog.m 10865 2018-09-21 17:22:45Z dmb $
0027 %
0028 %   VOICEBOX is a MATLAB toolbox for speech processing.
0029 %   Home page: http://www.ee.ic.ac.uk/hp/staff/dmb/voicebox/voicebox.html
0030 %
0031 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0032 %   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0033 %   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0034 %   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
0035 %   (at your option) any later version.
0036 %
0037 %   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0038 %   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0040 %   GNU General Public License for more details.
0041 %
0042 %   You can obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License from
0043 %   http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html or by writing to
0044 %   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
0045 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0046 if ~iscell(ims)
0047     ims={ims};
0048 end
0049 nc=numel(ims); % number of images
0050 if ~((nc==1 && isequal(size(roc),[3 3])) || isequal(size(roc),[3 3 nc]))
0051     error('roc should have dimensions [3,3,%d]',nc);
0052 end
0053 if nargin<4 || ~numel(mode)
0054     mode='';
0055 end
0056 if nargin<3 || ~numel(k0)
0057     k0=0.8;
0058 end
0059 if nargin<2 || ~numel(roc)
0060     roc=repmat(eye(3),[1 1 nc]);
0061 end
0063 % sort out options
0065 vv=any(mode=='v');  % different k0 for each camera
0066 nk=numel(k0)/(1+vv*(nc-1));  % number of k parameters per camera
0067 switch nk
0068     case {1,3}
0069         k0=reshape(k0,[1 nk 1+vv*(nc-1)]);
0070     case 9
0071         k0=reshape(k0,[3 3 1+vv*(nc-1)]);
0072     otherwise
0073         error('k0 must have 1, 3 or 9 values per camera');
0074 end
0075 ncr=1+(nargout>0)*(nc-1);   % numer of output images
0076 if any(mode=='g')
0077     gmode=1;
0078 elseif any(mode=='G') || ~nargout
0079     gmode=2;
0080 else
0081     gmode=0;
0082 end
0083 if gmode>0
0084     fig0=gcf; % initialize the figure
0085 end
0086 if any(mode=='k')
0087     modeh='kxt';
0088 else
0089     modeh='t';
0090 end
0092 % determine a global camera v_rotation
0094 if any(mode=='a')
0095     qrc=zeros(4,nc);  % calculate the mean camera orientation
0096     for i=1:nc
0097         qrc(:,i)=v_rotro2qr(roc(:,:,i));
0098     end
0099     rocmean=v_rotqr2ro(v_rotqrmean(qrc));
0100 else
0101     rocmean=eye(3);
0102 end
0104 % now do image transformations
0106 imr=cell(ncr,1);
0107 xa=imr;
0108 ya=imr;
0109 axh=zeros(nc,1);
0110 splx=ceil(sqrt(nc));
0111 sply=ceil(nc/splx);
0112 for i=1:nc
0113     k0i=k0(:,:,1+vv*(i-1));  % camera parameters
0114     if numel(k0i)<9
0115         imsz=size(ims{i});
0116         fe=k0(1);
0117         if fe<0.1*imsz(2) % focal length is a fraction of the width
0118             fe=k0*imsz(2);
0119         end
0120         if numel(k0i)<3
0121             xy0=(imsz(2:-1:1)+1)/2;
0122         else
0123             xy0=k0i(2:3);
0124         end
0125         k0=eye(3);
0126         k0(1:4:5)=fe;
0127         k0(7:8)=xy0;
0128     end
0129     j=min(i,ncr);
0130     rocall=rocmean*roc(:,:,i)';
0131     titl=sprintf('%d: pan-tilt-roll = %.1f�, %.1f�, %.1f�',i,-v_rotro2eu('yxz',rocall)*180/pi);
0132     [imr{j},xa{j},ya{j}]=v_imagehomog(uint8(ims{i}),k0*rocall/k0,modeh);  % apply inverse of v_rotation matrix
0133     if gmode>0
0134         if gmode>1
0135             subplot(sply,splx,i);
0136         else
0137             figure(fig0+i-1);
0138         end
0139         imagesc(xa{j},ya{j},imr{j});
0140         axis image
0141         title(titl);
0142         axh(i)=gca;
0143     end
0144 end
0145 if gmode>0 && nc>1
0146     if ~any(mode=='l')
0147         linkaxes(axh);
0148     end
0149     figure(fig0);
0150 end

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