
Our philosophy is that the ability to communicate should be available to everyone.

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Changing the world!


Our motivation is to bring the possibility of communication to people that suffer from motor impairment. By using our headset and a computer screen, these people will be able to express themselves through typing. This product is also a small step towards a technology that will change the way that the world communicates.

Allowing acces for all people


Although life expectancy and quality is improving everyday, diseases such as Parkinson’s or Multiple Sclerosis do not have a cure yet. For this reason, our product ensures that these patients have the capability to still communicate with their loved ones.

Spelling for the Motor-impaired


The headset is designed to aid motor impaired patients with their day-to-day lives. For this reason, we are particularly targeting medical facilities where such individuals are treated. Our product has a wide range of potential benefits, such as improving staff-patient relations and raising satisfaction levels amongst clients.


Let's Get In Touch!

Looking for some advice or just a little help? Get in touch and let us know!

+44 7546 676 715