Mike Brookes
20 lectures in the Spring Term
Note that this is an old version of the course; the current version is now given by Patrick Naylor.
The human vocal and auditory systems. Characteristics of speech signals: phonemes, prosody, IPA notation. Lossless tube model of speech production. Time and frequency domain representations of speech; window characteristics and time/frequency resolution tradeoffs. Properties of digital filters: mean log response, resonance gain and bandwidth relations, bandwidth expansion transformation, all-pass filter characteristics. Autocorrelation and covariance linear prediction of speech; optimality criteria in time and frequency domains; alternate LPC parametrisation. Speech coding: PCM, ADPCM, CELP. Speech synthesis: language processing, prosody, diphone and formant synthesis; time domain pitch and speech modification. Speech recognition: hidden Markov models and associated recognition and training algorithms. Language modelling. Large vocabulary recognition. Acoustic preprocessing for speech recognition.