University of London

Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Electrical & Electronic Eng. (EEE)        BEng, MEng 2nd Year
Information Systems Eng. (ISE)
              BEng, MEng 1st Year

Introduction to Computer Systems (2001-2)

Peter Y. K. Cheung
George Constantinides


At the end of the course, students should know: how computers work; how to evaluation their performance; the instruction set architecture of a typical modern RISC processor; MIPS and ARM processor architectures; relationship between hardware and software; memory interface and hierarchy; computer interfacing.



Autumn Term - Computer Architectures & Systems
Lecture 1  Introduction to Computer Architecture & Systems
Lecture 2  Number Systems  ....................................
Lecture 3  A Very Simple Processor .......................
Lecture 4  Introduction to the ARM processor ........ 
Lecture 5  Assembly Language Programming .........  
Lecture 6  More Assembly Language Programming  
Lecture 7  Stacks and Subroutines
Lecture 8  ARM Processor Organisation
Lecture 9  ARM Instruction Set Architecture
Lecture 10 Cache Memory
Lecture 11 Exceptions and Interrupts
Lecture 12 System Buses

Problem Sheets 1 to 6 with Solutions

Lab 1 Learning ARM SDT (System Call Summary, PFE editor)

Assessed Assignment & Notes on Bubble Sort   & Data file (turing.txt)

MATLAB Resource Page (Lecture notes and assignments)

2000 Exam & Solution
2001 Exam & Solution

Useful ARM Documents (They are very long!)
ARM instruction set Quick Reference Card (3 pages)
ARM Programming Techniques - Tells you all about how to program ARM processor (258 pages)
ARM Reference Manual for Software Development Kit (v2.02) and (v2.2) (both around 4Mbytes)
ARM Windows User's Manual for version 2.02 (1Mbytes) and version 2.2 (9.6Mbytes)
ARM SDK version 2.02u (for student use only, you must register this with ARM)

Useful links

This page maintained by Peter Cheung
Last updated:28 Jan., 2002.